Australian Playhouse

Section on David Goddard is here

Background to the show is here.

Season 1 

Ep 1 The Pigeon w: Peter Finnane d: Eric Tayler (18 April 1966)

Ep 2 - The Tape Recorder w: Pat Flower d: Henri Safran (25 April 1966)

Ep 3 - The Air-Conditioned Author w: Colin Free d: Henri Safran (2 May 1966)

Ep 4 - The Prowler w: Pat Flower d: Alan Burke (9 May 1966) (filmed 8 Dec 1965)

Ep 5 - No Dogs on Diamond Street w: Marion Ord d: Storry Walton (16 May 1966)

Ep 6 - Wall to Wall w: Anne Kinloch d: Eric Taylor (23 May 1966)

Ep 7 - Getting Along with the Government w: Colin Free d: Eric Taylor (30 May 1966)

 Ep 8 - What About Next Year w: Richard Lane d: Patrick Barton (6 June 1966)

Ep 9 - Antarctic Four w: Oriel Gray d: James Davern (13 June 1966) (filmed 20 April 1966)

Ep 10 - The Monkey Cage w: Ruth Fenner d: Wilf Buckler  (20 June 1966)

Ep 11 - Anonymous w: Pat Flower  d: Oscar Whitbread (27 June 1966)

Ep 12 - The Parking Ticket w: Max Colwell and Michael Wright d: Eric Tayler (4 July 1966)

Ep 13 - Should the Woman Pay w: Monte Miller d: Patrick Barton (11 July 1966)

Ep 14 - Marleen w: Pat Flower d: Oscar Whitbread (18 July 1966)

Ep 15 - The Final Factor w: John Warwick d: Ken Hannam (25 July 1966)

Ep 16 - Done Away With w: Pat Flower d: Henri Safran (1 August 1966)

Ep 17 - Blind Balance w: Monte Miller d: John Croyston (8 August 1966)

Ep 18 - Haywire w: Creswick Jenkinson d: Pat Alexander (15 August 1966)

Ep 19 - Watch It w: Richard Barry d: Storry Walton (22 August 1966) (filmed 24 Jul 1966)

Ep 20 - Ticket to Nowhere w: John Bragg d: Fred Maxian (29 August 1966)

Ep 21 - The Voice w: Kenneth Hayles (5 September 1966)

Ep 22 - The Empty Day w: Pat Flower d: John Croyston (12 September 1966)

Ep 23 - The Decision w: John Warwick d: Oscar Whitbread (19 September 1966) (filmed 17 Aug 1966)

Ep 24 - The Lace Counter w: Pat Flower d: Alan Burke (26 September 1966)

Ep 25 - Objector w: Tony Morphett d: Brian Faull (3 October 1966)

Ep 26 - V.I.P.P. w: Pat Flower d: Brian Faull (10 October 1966)

Ep 27 - Across the Bridge w: Liane Keen d: Pat Alexander (17 October 1966)

Ep 28 - Easy Terms w: Pat Flower (24 October 1966) (shot 19 Sept 1966)

Ep 29 - A Small Wonder w: Jeff Underhill d: James Davern (31 October 1966)

 Ep 30 - The Paradise Shanty w: Kevin McGrath (7 November 1966) (shot 26 Sept 1966)

Season 2 (Melbourne dates)

Ep 1 - A Touch of Gold w: Gwenda Painter d: John Croyston (12 June 1967 M, 23 July 1967 Syd) (filmed 15 April 1967)

Ep 2 - Slow Poison w: Allan Trevor d: Oscar Whitbread (19 June 1967 (filmed 3 April 1967)

Ep 3 - Casualty w: John Croyston d: Storry Walton (3 July 1967)

Ep 4 - Keep It Clean w: E.R. Thomas (10 July 1967)

Ep 5 - The Attack w: Ken Hayles d: James Davern (17 July 1967)

Ep 6 - Enough to Make a Pair of Sailor's Trousers w: Barbara Vernon d: Pat Alexander (24 July 1967)

Ep 7 - The Brass Guitar w: Oriel Gray d: James Davern (31 July 1967 Mel)

Ep 8 - John Forrester Awaits the Light w: Michael Boddy d: Eric Tayler (7 Aug 1967)

Ep 9 - The Heat's On w: Pat Flower (18 Sept 1967 Syd)

Ep 10 - On the Hop w: Michael Laurence d: Pat Alexander (25 Sept 1967 Syd, 17 Aug 1967 Melb)

Ep 11 - All Fall Down w: Michael Boddy d: John Croyston (2 Oct 1967 Syd)

Ep 12 - Breakdown w: Michael Boddy (9 Oct 1967 Syd) (rec 22 Nov 1966)

Ep 13 - The Five Sided Triangle, or One Too Many w: Brian Faull d: Brian Faull (11 Sep 1967 Melb, 16 Oct 1967 Syd) (filmed 22-23 May 1967)

Show in another timeslot

Shadow on the Wall - w: Ru Pullen d: Chris Muir - filmed in April 1967 not aired until 10 April 1968 

Episodes made but not broadcast (I estimate these as eleven)

The House w: David Sale d: Alan Burke (2 Feb 1966)

The Widow Thrum w: Peter Finnane d: Ken Hannam (13 Mar 1966) 

Shameless Hussies w: Peter Kenna (2 Apr 1966)

The Tank w: James Harris d: Brian Faull (10 Apr 1966)

 The Captain and the Cox’n by Kenneth Hailes (9 Aug 1966)

Nice Widow at Quinto w: Colin Free d: James Upshaw (14 Aug 1966)

Boy with Banner w: Michael Wright d: Chris Muir (Dec 1966) 

 The Black Infuriator w: Alexander MacDonald d: Patrick Barton  (5 April 1967)

Caught Napping w: Pat Flower d: Pat Alexander (16 July 1967)

A Stay at Home w: Ray Taylor d: Patrick Barton (5 Aug 1967)

The End Product w: Colin Free (10 Sept 1967)

Other possible ones...

The Declaration w: Pat Flower

The Inheritance w: M Lawrence

Fifty five eps all up?

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Patrick Barton