Call Me a Liar (12 July 1961)

Based on the play by John Mortimer but nothing to do with law!


Sammy Moles lives in a world of make believe. For his employer's benefit he invents a wife and child and for his fellow lodgers he lies about his past, background and job. 

He meets a German girl called Martha who falls in love with him. Martha discovers that Sammy is a liar ,and at the end of the play discovers why.


  • David Mitchell as Sammy Moles
  • Jane Oehr as Martha
  • Barbara Brandon as landlady
  • Campbell Copelin as man on park bench
  • Rose du Clos as lady boarder
  • Reginald Newson as businessman
  • Roger Hornery as professional man
  • Ken Goodlet as Mr Pheeming
  • Joe Jenkins as Dr Bowker
  • James Lynch as solitary drinker
  • Stewart Weller as street musician
  • Ligia Bonamis as Indian girl
  • James Lych as solitary drinker
  • Nancy Cato and Peter Oliver as English couple
  • Abdul Ghani as a Malayan
  • Elizabeth Crosby as child
  • Carole Potter as girl
  • John Norman as boy
  • Jeffrey Hodson as American
  • Ron Pinnell as father
  • Reginald Newsom as businessman
  • Cecile Glass as Norwegian girl
  • Margherita Kean as bar girl
  • Shirley Young as mother

Original TV play

It was based on a TV play by John Mortimer which had been performed in England in 1958 with Alec McCowen and Cornell Borchers.

The script was published in a collection of early plays by Mortimer. Borrow a copy here.

My thoughts on the play.i I found it frustrating, to be honest. It was the story about a person who lies constantly and is caught out on it ("call me a liar?"). It was repetitive and I didn't care. The guy needs a therapist and instead winds up with a German girl. It's revealed he lied because he lost his family in a bombing, which is sad, but he still needs therapy. The writing is competent, I just didn't care.

The play came out before Billy Liar. It's odd two such similar works came out around the same time. I'm not accusing anyone of plagiarism, such things happen. Must've been something in the air.

Other adaptations

It was also adapted for Australian radio in March 1961. And played again in 1965. These sort of dramas were in vogue.

The play was filmed again for Canadian TV in 1963.


A BBC production of Mortimer's David and Broccoli had been shown on Australian TV in 1961.

William Sterling gave the lead to Jane Oehr, a 19 year old second year university arts student who was relatively inexperienced as an actor. She had been in Macbeth and Night of the Ding Dong

David Mitchell has been in both those productions as well, along with Who Killed Kovali?, Shadow of Heroes and The Astronauts.

Gunnars Jurgan did the sets. 

Location filming was done at Parliament House steps, outside a Cheslea type terrace in Albert Park, and in the Gardens.


The Sydney Morning Herald TV critic said the production "had the lightness of heart and the deftness of touch so necessary to such a whimsical part-comedy, part-sentimental drama."


The Age Supplement 6 July 1961 p 2

The Age 6 July 1961 p 31

The Age 12 July 1961 p 13

SMH 21 Sept 1961 p 8


TV Times Qld 19 April 1963

TV Times Vic

NAA Letter B

NAA Melb

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Patrick Barton