Early Australian TV Series (1954-69)

* The Adventures of Long John Silver (14 Jul 1958) (1954-55, 26 eps, Treasure Island) - adventure - information is here

*The House on the Corner (28 June 1957, Christian Television Assoc) - religious drama 

* Take That (19 July 1957, 66 eps, Crawfords) - sitcom - showed on HSV-7 - 28 (Melb)

* Autumn Affair (24 Oct 1958, 156 eps, ATN-7) - daytime serial - ran until 1959  -13 (Melb)

* Emergency (16 Feb 1959, 16 eps, GTV-9) - medical drama - info here - killed off by a scathing Sydney review - 27 (Melb)

* Shell Presents (4 April 1959, 13 eps, ATN-7 & GTV-9) - anthology

* The Terrific Adventures of the Terrible Ten (10 Jan, 1960, 52 eps, Pacific) - children's adventure - screened by GTV-9, ATN-7  -13 (Melb)

* Stormy Petrel (15 May 1960, 12 eps, ABC) - mini series - 13 (Melb)

* General Motors Hour (28 May 1960, 12 eps, ATN-7 & GTV-9) - anthology

* Consider Your Verdict (17 Feb 1961, 163 eps, Crawfords) - legal procedural - ran until 1963, on HSV-7 - information here - 17 then 14, 10, 8 and 6 (Melb)

* Whiplash (18 Feb 1961) (filmed 1959-60, 34 eps) - historical adventure - filmed in 1959-60 - info here - 26 (Melb)

* The Outcasts (28 May 1961, 12 eps, ABC) - mini series - 12 (Melb),

* The Ten Again (27 Feb 1962) - 3 (Melb)

* The Patriots (27 May 1962) (1962, 10 eps, ABC) - mini series - 11 (Melb)

* The Story of Peter Gray (2 Jul 1962, 164 eps, ATN-7) - daytime serial - filmed in 1961 - 1-3 (Melb)

* Jonah (15 Oct 1962, 19 eps, ATN-7) - series - 19 (Melb)

* Smuggler's Beware (18 Jan 1963, 4 eps, ABC) - children's adventure - 3 (Melb)

* Time Out (2 March 1963, 26 x 10 mins) - dramatised interview of Australian historical gfigures

* Tribunal (1963 26 May 1963, 39 eps x 10 mins) - dramatised interview

* The Hungry Ones (7 July 1963) (10 eps, ABC) - mini series - 11 (Melb)

 * Barley Charlie (31 March 1964, 13 eps, GTV-9) - sitcom - info  here - 31 (Melb),

* The Stranger (26 April 1964, 12 eps, ABC) - children sci fi - 6 (Melb),

* The Purple Jacaranda (28 June 1964, 7 eps, ABC) - mini series - 11 (Melb)

* Homicide (20 Oct 1964, 510 episodes, Crawfords) - police procedural - info here - ran until 1975 - cop drama - 33 then 31, 33, then 41 until 1970 (Melb) rated 46 in 1966

* The Flying Doctor (10 April 1965 in Australia... aired in 1959 in Canada)

* The Magic Boomerang (2 May 1965, 45 eps, Pacific Films) - info here - children's adventure - shown on ABC - 4 (Melb)

* My Brother Jack (21 Aug 1965, ABC) - mini series - 9 (Melb)

* Adventure Unlimited (8 Oct 1965, Southern International) - anthology

* The Ballad of Riverboat Bill (26 Dec 1965, 6 eps, ABC) - children's adventure

* Australian Playhouse (18 April 1966, 43 eps + 11 unseen, ABC)  -  2 seasons - anthology

* The Private World of Miss Prim (3 Jun 1966, 11 eps, NFT) - sitcom - 16 (Melb)

* The Intrepretaris (1966, 6 eps, ABC) - children's sci fi - info here - 2 (Melb)

* Nice n' Jucy (13 Oct 1966, 13 eps, ABC) - sitcom - info here - 13 (Melb)

* My Name's McGooley, What's Yours? (13 Oct 1966, 88 eps, ATN-7) (ran til 1968) - sitcom - info here

30 then 24 then 15 (Melb), 41 then 40 (Syd) - second highest rated program in Sydney

* Divorce Court (6 Feb 1967, 210 eps, NLT) - legal procedural - 9 (Melb)

* Wandjina! (24 Feb 1967, 7 eps, ABC) - children's sci fi - 5 (Melb)

* Adventures of the Seaspray (27 March 1967, 33 eps, Pacific Films)  -children's adventure - screened on ABC -  some information is here - 2 (Melb)

* Hunter (4 Jul 1967, 65 eps, Crawfords) (filmed 1966-69,) - crime procedural - info here - 29 first year then 22 (Melb)

* You Can't See Round corners (12 Jul 1967, 26 eps ATN-7) - mini series - 16 (Melb), 40 (Syd)

* Bellbird (28 Aug 1967, 1693 eps, ABC) (ran until 1977) - serial

* Contrabandits (22 Sept 1967, 30 eps, ABC) - crime procedural - info here - 14 then 12 (Melb)

* Hey You (12 Aug 1967, 16 eps, ATV-0) - sitcom - info here - 9 (Melb)

* The Unloved (5 Feb 1968, 210 eps, NLT) -legal drama - 10 (Melb)

* Skippy (1 March 1968, Fauna, 91 eps) - children's adventure - info here - 23 then 22 (Melb)

* Motel (27 May 1968, 132 eps, ATN-7) - daytime serial 4 (Melb)

* Vega 4 (7 Jun 1968, 7 eps, ABC) - children's sci fi, info here - 2 (Melb)

* The Battlers (26 Jun 1968, 26 eps, ATN-7) - mini series - 12 (Melb)

* Rita and Wally (10 July 1968, ATN-7, 23 eps) - sitcom - info here - 16 (Melb)

* I've Married a Bachelor (29 Oct 1968 ABC, 14 eps) - info here - 16 then 12 (Melb),

* Riptide (5 Feb 1969, 26 eps, Trans Pacific) - crime procedural - 21 (Melb), 36 (Syd)

* Good Morning, Mr. Doubleday (8 Feb 1969, 26 eps, Fremantle) - sitcom - info here - 7 (Melb)

* Division 4 (11 March 1969, 301 eps, Crawfords) - police procedural - 40 in first year then 32 (Melb)

* Woobinda (Animal Doctor) (27 May 1969, Pacific, 39 eps) - info here - 4 (Melb)

* Delta (25 Sept 1969, 23 eps, ABC) - adventure - info here - 7 (Melb)

* Joan And Leslie (3 Oct 1969, 13 eps, HSV-7) - sitcom - info here

* Pastures Of The Blue Crane (10 Aug 1969, 5 eps, ABC) - mini series - 14 (Melb)

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