AP - The Captain and the Cox'n (9 Aug 1966) (Hobart)

 From a script by Kenneth Hayles. He also wrote The Attack, and The Voice

. The script is at the NAA but not on line see here.

The date is from UNE. I'm not sure if it screened outside of Hobart. 


Captain Corocran - a retired sea captain - receives a visit from his old shipmate Cox'n Roach who has fallen on hard times. The captain's housekeeper, Mrs Brinski, distrusts the Cox'n - and not without reason as it transpires. She learns that a large sum of money has been stolen from the safe at the local yacht club and that the Cox'n has asked the Captain to look after a mysterious looking packet for him because "I don't trust banks y'see".


* Eric Starling as Captain Corcoran

* Junee Cornell as Mrs Brinski

* Mark Lyons-Reid as the Cox'n Roach

* Shelagh Keating

*Gillian Hunter

* Alan Harvey

From ABC report 1966/67

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Patrick Barton