Miss Mabel (23 April 1958)

Based on a play by R.C. Sheriff, best known for Journey's End.

It was the television debut of Minnie Love, who was a noted stage entertainer. It aired in Melbourne on 14 May.


An old lady, Miss Mabel, has an unpleasant twin, Mrs Fletcher, who she lived with and who recently died. To everyone's surprise, the lawyer Smurthwaite reports that Mrs Fletcher has left a will making a large number of bequests to villagers.   

The   doctor and the vicar each receive large  sums  of  money, the vicar to open a home for children; the gardener  Watkins is left enough to start his own nursery; and   the young couple,  Peter (an architect)  and Mary, are left sufficient to marry. 

The vicar and doctor discover that Miss Mabel has murdered her sister and altered the will.


  • Minnie Love as Miss Mabel
  • Walter Pym as the lawyer Smurthwaite
  • Charles Tasman as the vicar
  • Ida Newton as Miss Wilson
  • Geoffrey King as the doctor
  • John Bluthal as the Gardener
  • Lewis Fiander as Peter
  • Derani Scarr as Mary
  • Peter Owen as the Inspector.

Original play

Sheriff's play was first produced in 1948. I'm a big fan of Sherriff, I think he was a fabulous writer. Journey's End was a masterpiece but he wrote a lot of other excellent plays and screenplays. He was a top scriptwriter too. A website for his trust is here.

I think this was his first produced play since St Helena in 1934. He had been busy with books and screenplays.

Lillian Gish played in a production on stage in 1950.

Other adaptations

Miss Mabel was very popular with TV producers in England being adapted in 1949, 1950, 1953 and 1957. I think maybe because it offered a great star part for an elder female actor.

It was filmed for US TV via Lux Video Theatre in 1956.

It was adapted for Australian radio in 1950, 19521958 and 1959.


Minnie Love was a popular stage actor, best known for playing someone called The Pink Lady. More recently she had done a lot of radio. To be honest I'd never heard of her. Such is the lot of stage actors without a film to ensure your immortality.

Love said she was enthusiastic about live television because it was so close to theatre.

I think the NAA may have the radio script. See here.


The Age said Love gave "an outstanding performance" which "inspired the cast".

It rated 15% share in Melbourne.

SMH 21 April 1958 p 12

The Age 9 May 1958 p 17

ABC Weekly 23 April 1958 p 8

The Age 9 May 1958 p 24

The Age 23 May 1958 p 23


The Age 14 May 1958 p 3

SMH 23 April 1958 p 14

SMH 21 April 1958 p 11

SMH 21 April 1958 p 11

ABC Weekly 23 April 1958 p 34

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