AP#2.13 The Five Sided Triangle or One Too Many (11 Sept 1967)

The last episode of Australian Playhouse to air as the series (other eps aired as a standalone eg Shadow on the Wall).


A business executive, Mr Caradoc, divides his time between his wife and three mistresses.


* Raymond Westwell or Paul Eddey (accounts differ) as Mr. Caradoc


It was written and directed by Brian Faull. Faull was the ABC drama director.

Recorded on 22-23 May 1967.

Producer - Brian Faull. Script assistant - Joyce Tobias. Designer - Cas van Puffelen. Technical producer - Robert Forster. Lighting - Leigh Hardy. Floor manager - Harold Fletcher. Music - George Dreyfus.


The Age said "it had a confidence, a sureness missing in the other productions of this lamentable series." 

The SMH called it "a real sizzler".


In a way. Gordon Chater, the TV star, called it a "parade of pornography... It was like something a mob of sailors would expect to see at Port Said in wartime. .. I am afraid I am getting to be a bit of a middle aged bore. The programme embarrassed me greatly. I was home with a married woman and two children as guests when the show came on. I switched it off." He added the show was "witless, nasty and sordid... There is no possible excuse for showing such a program."

Brian Faull said "Gordon Chater was the only person to telephone the ABC and complain. The play was purely for entertainment. It was meant to be amusing. Most people think it was handled with taste."

SMH 22 Oct 1967





TV Times 27 Oct 1967 p 1 (Qld)

SMH TV Guide 16 Oct 1967

The Age 5 Sept 1967 TV Guide

The Age TV Guide 14 Sept 1967 p 2

SMH 16 Oct 1967 p 10

ABC Still

SMH 11 June 1967 p 74       


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Patrick Barton