AP#1.13 - Should the Woman Pay (11 July 1966)

 An Australian Playhouse from Monte Miller.


An artist, Gerald, returns home after a long absence to find a man, Steven Bentley, waiting for his wife, Marcia. Steven thought Marcia's husband died four years ago. Gerald explains he mat Marcia on the snowfields and that she supported him financially.

Marcia arrives home and is not pleased to see Gerald. Gerald threatens Marcia with divorce.

A private investigator, Markham arrives - he has been following Marcia. He reveals that Marcia has been seeing another man in addition to Steven. Upset, Steven leaves.

As a taxi driver arrives, Gerald reveals his lawyer's advice about the new Marriage Act... she is going to have to pay him money


  • Wynn Roberts as Gerald Henderson
  • Marcella Burgoyne as Marcia Henderson
  • Brian Burton as Steven Bentley
  • Ray Angel as the taxi driver
  • John Paton as Markham


Written by Monte Miller. Directed by Patrick Barton. Technical producer - Bernard Heron. Designer - Gunars Jurjans.

Produced 22 Feb 1966.


The TV critic for The Sydney Morning Herald thought the central situation "was as light and idle as its background of discreet dinner dance music... Although the play's triviality was not enhanced by any notable show of wit the author has capably dressed up the little plot, with dialogue which consistently keeps the note of casual comedy. Most of the entertainment came from the delightfully relaxed acting of Wynn Roberts."

The Age said the story "was thin, and at times rather obscure" but praised Roberts' performance.

The Canberra Times said " It was one of the first Australian Playhouse attempts to underline anything, even though the legal point was suitably kept in the background until we had had a good look, at the characters involved. A clever idea, and I liked particularly the bright opening with music, and the polished performance by Marcella Burgoyne as wife Marcia."

My thoughts: not bad. Depends on knowledge of marriage laws in the 1960s. 

The Age 16 July 1966 p 23

SMH 16 May 1966 p 8



Canberra Times 15 July 1966p 14


The Age TV Guide 14 April 1966 p 1


The Age TV Guide 8 July 1966

SMH TV Guide 11 July 1966

SMH 12 July 1966 p 11

SMH 2 April 1966 p 13 

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Patrick Barton