One Morning Near Troodos (25 Mar 1959)

 A play about Cyprus from Australian expat writer Iain MacCormick.

The 22nd live drama from the ABC in Melbourne, according to adverstising.


In Cyprus there has been terrorist activity near Mt Troodos, leading to a large scale operation of British troops and police. Two British journalists arrive in the area: James Stark, is an unscrupulous and influential former MP, and Walters, his hard-drinking offsider. Walters does the work while Stark takes the credit. They are not allowed into the fighting zone so make their headquarters in a nearby village. 

Stark decides to deal with the terrorists himself, thereby bringing bloodshed to the village. British troops track down the guerrillas, lead by EOKA leader Joannides. The journalist leads them into a rebel ambush.  Major Cust is head of the British.

Lena, a Greek girl, is attracted to a British soldier, Private Thomas.


  • Edward Brayshaw
  • Syd Conabere
  • Carol Armstrong as Lena
  • Lloyd Cunnington
  • Frank Gatliff
  • Judith Godden
  • Ken Goodlet
  • Edward Howell
  • Robert Peach
  • Jennifer Clare

Original play

The play was first produced for British TV in 1956. A review of that is here. And here.

Other adaptations

The play had been performed on Melbourne radio in 1957 and repeated in 1959.


A February 1959 profile on Edward Brayshaw mentioned he had been cast in this production.

It was rehearsed and filmed at ABC's studios at Rippon Lea. There was some location filming on Melbourne streets. It had a cast of fifteen.

Carol Armstrong made her TV debut

A segment of the script was published in The Age as an example of TV scripts. The article said that Australian writers were typically paid between £60-£80 a script.

Alexandra Atanassious was the Greek text adviser.


Neil Hutchison crits below. 


The Age 30 April 1959 p 25

The Age 30 April 1959 p 25

SMH 8 April 1959 p 9

SMH 6 April 1959 p 20

The Age 21 March 1959  p 7

The Age 19 March 1959 p 24

SMH 6 April 1959 p 19

The Age 19 March 1959 p 34

The Age 26 Feb 1959 p 25

The Age 19 March 1959 p 25

NAA Neil Hutchison


NAA Neil Hutchison

NAA Neil Hutchison

NAA Drama policy

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