AP - The Widow Thrum (workshopped 13 March 1966)

 Was filmed in Sydney... was it made? It was workshopped. Written by Peter Finnane.


A lonely widow of ten months' standing pines while her lodgers break windows and fell pregnant. Guilt over the illegitimate nature of her adult daughter troubles her greatly.


* Patricia Hill as May Thrum

* Don Pascoe as Tom Erskine

* Veronica Lang as Helen Farrell

* Don Pascoe as Tom Erskine

* Donald MacDonald as Bob Farrell

* Jeannie Drynan  as Helen Thrum


It was produced and directed by Ken Hannam. It had been submitted and rejected in 1964.

The Age 14 April 1966 TV Guide p 1

NAA Writers F

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Patrick Barton