Crawfords TV show shown on HSV-7. Ran for 164 episodes or something which is pretty good. There's an excellent account of it here. The episode guide is here. The last ep aired June 1964.
A series of trials.
There were no regular characters, although a small group of actors, including Wyn Roberts, Roland Strong, George Fairfax, Peter Aarnesson and Robert Peach, recurred as court reporters and counsel, and the action was confined to verbal interchanges between witnesses and counsel.
Radio series
Based on a radio show that started on 18 August 1958. See article here. The radio series went until 1960. Each trial went for 5 eps x 30 mins.
You can listen to some old episodes here.
Ian Crawford later recalled:
We eventually got Consider Your Verdict up and running because it was comparatively so cheap - it was very easy to make because it was a static production. It was very cheap for Seven because we could do it in three hours of recording time for the one hour programme, whereas for one hour of Cop Shop, years later, you’d have fifteen hours in the studio, plus rehearsal. So we did our three hours on a Saturday afternoon and eventually we got it extended by a half hour to three and a half hours!
Consider Your Verdict was recorded at Channel 7’s Fitzroy teletheatre, which was actually terrible as a drama studio. It had a lot of echo, which was all right for a court, but worst of all was the roof which wasn’t sound-proofed. So any time it rained you’d hear it, and we had to keep going through that, because you couldn’t be sure it would stop raining in the three hours we had. We used to put up a large note to the judge, and the judge would say “Excuse me Witness, would you please speak up? - The rain on the roof you know!” And we carried on! It explained the rain on the roof, they’d speak up over the noise, and on we’d go! It regularly happened, particularly in winter.
For some reason we usually had barristers, real barristers, as our judges, and one of them was Sir Eugene Gorman QC, and he was mad on racing and was an incessant smoker. We kept having to go back and start the segment again, and throw the bit of film away that we’d recorded on, because we could hear the bloody race broadcast from a radio under his bench, or you would see a wisp of smoke coming up from his hidden cigarette.
There was another interesting aspect of Consider Your Verdict. Dorothy Crawford, my mother, was a fantastic radio producer, and she used to get people off the street for all the smaller roles. They were not actors - she got people off the street that she thought looked suited to the role, and she’d get these wonderful performances from them because they were not fully scripted. The questions were fully scripted, but the replies were in telegraphed form that forced the witnesses to put it in their own words, and so it sounded right. We got some marvellous performances out of these people, and many of them were contacted by the ABC and given roles in their drama productions - and they turned out to be dreadful when they were given proper scripts - awful!
That explains why you see a lot of faces in Consider Your Verdict that haven’t been seen since.
Exactly. A great day came when we started recording Consider Your Verdict on videotape instead of film, and we could make edits - splices. On the first day we had it we thought it was terrific, and we’d say to the technical director “We”ll just go back to the beginning of the scene, you’ll be able to splice there, OK?” “Yeah, that’II be fine”. After the third splice he said “I’m sorry, I can’t do any more”. I said “Why?” He said “That’s the limit. We’re only allowed three splices per hour.” They’d worked out that, because you couldn’t record across the physical splices, with more than three splices in an hour the remaining tape wasn’t going to be long enough to be re-used for making commercials. Electronic edits came later with Homicide.
We got the extra half hour eventually towards the end of its run. We talked Channel 7 into paying a bit more and using the extra time by having an opening segment, a sort of a teaser which was outside the courts. Hector was able to sell that - get it out of the court, give it a new lease of life. Some of these new little segments were recorded on video in the Fitzroy tele-theatre. But about one out of every three we’d do on film, and then we’d transfer it to video. We had no sound, but we couldn’t have people being shot without a gun noise, it just looked ridiculous, and we found also that music didn’t cover car door closes, so we recorded all those sound effects and voice overs on a quarter-inch tape, which we’d then play alongside the silent film and record onto videotape. But it had to be precise, it had to be right in synch, and we found we had to supply our own quarter-inch tape recorder, because everybody else’s recorders all played at slightly different speeds, so that after half a minute it would be out of synch. So we always took our own recorder along, and we’d roll it and get in synch to within a frame - fortunately it was at the beginning of the episode, so you could do it again if there was a problem with the synch. And that was where we got our experience from to be able to tackle Homicide - those opening scenes.
Sonia Borg was a staff writer. See this article.She told Susan Lever:
I was a great admirer of “Consider Your Verdict”, and when they announced that they were looking for participants, I went and auditioned an actress. And then I got a part, the part actually was written for me, and it was a woman accused of the attempted murder of her husband, and it was quite an interesting show, because the jury didn’t know what this trial was all about, and they had to make up their mind, as if it was in a real trial, and, they found me ‘not guilty’. And Dorothy Crawford was very keen to have me help amateur actors with their performances, and so I had a sort of a semi job there, you know, went every week to help the amateur actors to be convincing, and of course of the lawyers were played by real lawyers, but you could make up your own way of talking when you played the part. There was no script it was just a suggestion of your answer.
So that was a very interesting job, and Dorothy and I then got on really well together. She became like a second Mother to me, and she encouraged me to – and I also wanted to write some episodes of “Consider Your Verdict”, and that’s how I started, and then went on from there...
There was a suggestion of what they would answer. For instance, you’d have something written down like, “You don’t know. You have no idea.” And then you put that into your own words, which would be very easy really.
But that sort of stopped – Dorothy was a great person in that respect. She found a way to cope with the fact that there were not many Aboriginal - not many professional actors, and so making the dialogue changeable was a great help to the people who appeared in it. And it was my job to make them feel correct for this moment in the court.
According to Nostalgia Central here
The early part of the week was spent in writing and editing the script, casting, set preparation and other stages of pre-production.
Most of the Thursday rehearsal, held in Crawfords’ space in the Olderfleet Building at 475 Collins Street in Melbourne, was given over to the learning of lines and coaching of acting performance and, at the same time, working out actors’ movements and sequencing shots.
Friday was spent in making necessary changes to the script and giving actors extra rehearsals.
Recording took place on Saturday morning at the HSV Theatre in Collingwood, converted for the morning into a television studio. Before the advent of videotape, recording took place by filming the transmitted image from a monitor – a process known as ‘kinneying’.
Editing was difficult, so recording went from one commercial break to the next – any major mistake meant the sequence had to be shot again.
Each hour-long episode was required to be shot in three-and-a-half hours of studio time. Under the arrangement with HSV, any time beyond that was costed to Crawfords.
Although the series won only moderate ratings, it was important on a number of counts. Running to over 160 episodes, it was the most successful local production to that point. It was also the first drama series in Australia made outside a station by an independent producer.
TV times 23 Feb 1961 |
SMH 20 Nov 1961 |
SMH 24 Dec 1961 |
The Age 16 Feb 1961 |
SMH 26 May 1963 |
The Age 26 Aug 1965 |
The Age 23 Aug 1962 |
SMH 26 Nov 1961 |
The Age 27 Sept 1962 |
The Age 10 May 1962 |
The Age 8 Aug 1958 |
AWW 1 March 1961 |
AWW 15 Feb 1961 |
Canberra Times 8 Sept 1961 |
The Bulletin 16 Nov 1963 |
Walkabout 1 Nov 965 |
The Bulletin 8 March 1961 |
The Bulletin pt 2 |
Canberra Times 8 June 1965 |
![]() |
SMH 6 Feb 1961 |
![]() |
Age 8 June 1961 |
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28 Dec 1961 The Age |
![]() |
SMH 24 Dec 1961 |
![]() |
Age 23 Nov 1961 |
Episode Guide (from the now defunct Classical Australian TV website)
1. Queen Versus Marsden part 1
2. Queen Versus Marsden part 2
3. Queen Versus Farley part 1
4. Queen Versus Farley part 2
5. Queen Versus Pritchard part 1
6. Queen Versus Pritchard part 2
7. Queen Versus Roper part 1
8. Queen Versus Roper part 2
9. Queen Versus Lindeman part 1
10. Queen Versus Lindeman part 2
11. Queen Versus Potter part 1
12. Queen Versus Potter part 2
13. Queen Versus Cameron part 1
14. Queen Versus Cameron part 2
15. Queen Versus Wrightson
16. Queen Versus Salter
17. Queen Versus Cox
18. Queen Versus Swanson
19. Reardon Versus Smithers
20. Queen Versus Gray
21. Queen Versus Haysom
22. Queen Versus Carrington
23. Korelli Versus Hamster
24. Queen Versus Hooper
25. Queen Versus Manning
26. Bassett Versus Bassett
27. Queen Versus Andropolous
28. Queen Versus Brown
29. Queen Versus Fleming
30. Queen Versus Farrell
31. Queen Versus Prentice
32. Queen Versus Godfrey
33. Queen Versus Felton
34. Queen Versus Lawton
35. Queen Versus Kelly
36. Queen Versus Reinhardt
37. Queen Versus Foster
38. Queen Versus Garfield
39. Queen Versus Lucas
40. Queen Versus Pittman
41. Queen Versus Webber
42. Queen Versus Chapman
43. Queen Versus Regan
44. Queen Versus Williams And Mason
45. Queen Versus Carter
46. Queen Versus Cordell
47. Queen Versus MacCallum
48. Queen Versus Peterson
49. Queen Versus Kasolyi
50. Marsden Versus Shaw
51. Queen Versus Forde
52. Queen Versus Kingston
53. Queen Versus Griffen
54. Queen Versus Varner
55. Keller Versus Verdons
56. Queen Versus Miller
57. Queen Versus Bevan
58. Queen Versus Metcalfe
59. Queen Versus Brooks
60. Queen Versus Kester
61. Queen Versus Burney
62. Brownley Versus Pagett
63. Queen Versus Fry
64. Queen Versus Rees
65. Queen Versus Naughton
66. Queen Versus Palmer
67. Queen Versus Langford And Matthews
68. Debressac Versus Emerson And Panter
69. Queen Versus Dark
70. Queen Versus Hughes
71. Queen Versus Schramm
72. Queen Versus Blair
73. Queen Versus Cragney
74. Queen Versus Nolan
75. Queen Versus Lawson
76. Queen Versus Grant
77. Queen Versus Glandon
78. Queen Versus Bartel
79. Queen Versus Carson And Carson
80. Queen Versus Goodwin
81. Queen Versus Bent
82. Queen Versus Broderick
83. Queen Versus Bowden
84. Scott Versus Black
85. Queen Versus Todd
86. Queen Versus MacReady
87. Queen Versus Nelson
88. Queen Versus Johnson
89. Queen Versus Upton
90. Queen Versus Katulkas
91. Queen Versus Whittaker
92. Queen Versus MacKinnon
93. Queen Versus Dean
94. Queen Versus Marshall
95. Queen Versus Hastings
96. Queen Versus Pohlson ^
97. Queen Versus Bannery
98. Queen Versus Adams And Lenton
99. Queen Versus Clay
100. Queen Versus Cartwright
101. Queen Versus Farragh
102. Queen Versus Grimsley
103. Queen Versus Gresham
104. Queen Versus Pannam
105. Queen Versus Fenwick
106. Queen Versus Luxton
107. Queen Versus Buckley And Field
108. Queen Versus Rosenski
109. Queen Versus Mantle
110. Queen Versus Hammer
111. Queen Versus Lanyon ^
112. Queen Versus Burns
113. Queen Versus Charleswith
114. Queen Versus Smith
115. Queen Versus Hunter
116. Queen versus Young
117. Queen Versus Kingsley
118. Queen Versus Radford
119. Queen Versus Travers
120. Queen Versus Handson
121. Queen Versus Campbell
122. Queen Versus Blunt
123. Queen Versus Hesketh
124. Queen Versus Tudor
125. Queen Versus Challis And Burrows
126. Queen Versus Ling
127. Queen Versus Drake
128. Queen Versus Willis
129. Queen Versus Robbins
130. Queen Versus Bristow
131. Queen Versus McAlister
132. Queen Versus Condor
133. Queen Versus Railton
134. Queen Versus Mackay
135. Queen Versus Grainger
136. Queen Versus Driscoll
137. Queen Versus Hawke
138. Queen Versus Queen
139. Queen Versus Benson
140. Queen Versus Clarke
141. Queen Versus Bragge
142. Queen Versus Fraser ^
143. Queen Versus Kubacek
144. Queen Versus Milton
145. Queen Versus Langdon
146. Queen Versus Fremont
147. Queen Versus Shepherd
148. Queen Versus Dixon
149. Queen Versus Humphries
150. Queen Versus Nichols
151. Queen Versus Merrick
152. Queen Versus Dvorcak
153. Queen Versus Stokes
154. Queen Versus Grayson
155. Queen Versus Chadwick
156. Queen Versus Barrett
157. Queen Versus Evans ^
158. Queen Versus Morgan
159. Queen Versus Woods
160. Queen Versus Wilson
161. Queen Versus Meaker
162. Queen Versus Valli
163. Queen Versus Bennett
1. Queen Versus Marsden - part one - 10 Feb 1961 (Syd), 17 Feb (Melb)
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
.......Douglas Kelly
Director.......Anton Bowleer Producer.......Dorothy Crawford
Synopsis: Whispers had begun circulating that Mrs. Marsden’s death - believed at the time to have been from natural causes - was suspicious. The exhuming of her body was ordered, and the Government pathologist found she had died from arsenic poisoning. Edward Marsden was charged with the murder of his wife, more than a year after she died, and pleads not guilty. After the probate of his wife’s will had been granted, Marsden received property valued at Ł20,000, and the prosecution alleges the will was a forgery.
2. Queen Versus Marsden - part two - 17 Feb 1961 (Syd), 24 Feb (Melb)
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
.......Douglas Kelly
Director.......Anton Bowler Producer.......Dorothy Crawford
Synopsis: Only one witness is called for the defence - the accused himself. The defence insists that the onus is on the Crown to prove Marsden guilty, not on Marsden to prove his innocence.
3. Queen Versus Farley - part one - 24 Feb 1961 (Syd), 3 Mar 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Isobel Farley is charged with wounding with intent to kill. She pleads not guilty. The Crown develops evidence that Isobel and a friend, Dawn Peters, were both in love with the same man. Then late one night Dawn Peters was run down by a hit and run driver and crippled for life. The Crown alleges Miss Farley committed the crime in a fit of jealousy.
4. Queen Versus Farley - part two -3 March 1961 (Syd), 10 March 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: The defence calls a surprise witness and contends that Isobel Farley was not involved in the crime, claiming the motive was more complex than jealousy.
5. Queen Versus Pritchard - part one 10 March 1961 (Syd), 17 March 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Maxwell Pritchard is charged with the murder of night-club owner Leon Morelli, and the theft of Ł800. Pritchard, a popular football star of a few years ago, pleads not guilty on both counts.
6. Queen Versus Pritchard - part two - 17 March 1961 (Syd), 24 March 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Night-club entertainer Violet Wilcox gives evidence for the defence. She describes a fight she saw between Pritchard and Morelli, and then provides the accused with an alibi.
7. Queen Versus Roper - part one - 24 March 1961 (Syd), 31 March 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Paul Henry Roper is charged with the murder of an unidentified man, whose charred remains were found in a burnt-out utility truck early on New Year's morning. The prosecution alleges that Roper planned the murder to escape personal and financial problems. Although Roper did not know the man, the Crown alleges that he killed him and burnt the body, hoping it would be taken for his own.
8. Queen Versus Roper - part two - 31 March 1961 (Syd), 7 Apr 1961 (Mel)
Synopsis: A young woman, Fay Delanda, who describes herself as a striptease artist, sheds some light on the case as she details her relationship with the accused. The defence contends that the Crown has not been able to prove its case, and that inconsistencies in the accused's story were prompted by his entanglements with women.
9. Queen Versus Lindeman - part one - 7 Apr 1961 (Syd)
Synopsis: Karl Lindeman is charged with the attempted murder of Miss Sarah Jean Gray, at the mountain holiday resort of Yandy Springs. He pleads not guilty. The Crown calls evidence to show that Lindeman is a confidence trickster who attempted to kill Miss Gray when she threatened to expose him. The Crown also reveals that Miss Gray is, in fact, Lindeman's wife.
10. Queen Versus Lindeman - part two - 14 Apr 1961 (Syd) 21 Apr 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Mrs. Lindeman (nee Gray) takes the stand, and the defence counsel leads her to admit that she bore a grudge against Lindeman, whom she believes to be a bigamist.
11. Queen Versus Potter - part one - 21 Apr 1964 (Syd) 28 Apr 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: James Richard Potter is charged with the murder of Patricia Martin, a middle-aged woman found brutally murdered at the foot of a staircase in her home. Potter pleads not guilty.
12. Queen Versus Potter - part two - 28 Apr 1964 (Syd) 5 May 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: The story unfolds of a relationship between the accused and a young girl, Julie Harper, who provides the accused with an alibi.
13. Queen Versus Cameron - part one - 5 May 1961 (Syd), 12 May 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Mark John Cameron is charged with the murder of his wife Felicity. However, the man in the dock not only pleads not guilty, he also denies that he is Cameron!
14. Queen Versus Cameron - part two - 19 May 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: The accused has refused to recognise any of the witnesses called against him, but as the first day's hearing closes he recognises Mrs. Lucille Parker, a witness for the defence. She says that Cameron was a sick man who had lost his memory, and she had helped him regain it.
15. Queen Versus Wrightson - 19 May 1961 (Syd), 26 May 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Richard Jeffrey Wrightson is charged with abducting Mary Ann Harmon (Barbara Frawley), assaulting her causing actual bodily harm, assaulting another woman and illegally using a motor vehicle. He pleads not guilty.
16. Queen Versus Salter - 25 May 1961 (Syd), 4 June 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Ship's mate Harold John Salter is charged with the manslaughter of fellow seaman Gerald Willis. He pleads not guilty. GS Beth Thwaites.
17. Queen Versus Cox - 1 June 1961 (Syd), 11 June 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Garage proprietor Daniel Cox dies after the greasing hoist at his service station is lowered on him. His nephew, 13 year old Jonathon Cox, is charged with the murder of his uncle.
18. Queen Versus Swanson - 18 June 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: A gangland war results in the violent death of Peter Lenton, who was shot three times. William Montgomery Swanson, a notorious gang-leader, is charged with the murder. The jury must decide whether Swanson has been wrongly accused, or if he planted the evidence to implicate another person. GS .Terence Donovan, Reg Barthram, Jackie Bowkett
19. Reardon Versus Smithers
Synopsis: A possible mix-up in the identities of two babies at a hospital is the cause of this legal action.
20. Queen Versus Gray - 9 Jul 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: 40-year-old Martha Hildegarde Gray is charged with the attempted murder of her husband. She appears completely apathetic, and can do little to assist her defence.
21. Queen Versus Haysom
Synopsis: A suburban bank teller is brutally attacked by a masked man who steals Ł3,000 from the strongroom. Ronald Charles Haysom is subsequently charged with robbery with violence, and pleads not guilty.
Melbourne 16/7/61
22. Queen Versus Carrington - 23 Jul 1961 (Melb)
Crown prosecutor Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
S ynopsis: Herbert John Carrington, a former football and cricket champion, is charged with the murder of his brother. He pleads not guilty.
23. Korelli Versus Hamster - 16 Jul 1961 (Syd), 30 Jul 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Antonio Pietro Korelli is shot at from behind by one of his spinster neighbours. He brings a court action against her, and she retaliates.
24. Queen Versus Hooper - 23 Jul 1961 (Syd), 6 Aug 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: The Crown Prosecutor claims that Charles Hooper, a respected member of a country community, murdered another man by 'arranging' for a tree to fall on him.
25. Queen Versus Manning - 30 Jul 1961 (Syd), 13 Aug 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: A young man is charged with the attempted murder of his girlfriend. GS Michael Ansara, John Lupton
26. Bassett Versus Bassett - 6 Aug 1961 (Syd)
Synopsis: Two brothers, Keith and Max Bassett, fight over their father's will. Keith alleges that Max used influence to have the will changed in his favour. The case is further complicated by the fact that both brothers are in love with the same woman.
Defence counsel Keith Brook.......Keith Eden
Crown prosecutor Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Judge (himself).......Justice Dunbar
Max Bassett.......Eric Coladetti
Court reporter.......Roly Barlee
27. Queen Versus Andropolous - 13 Aug 1961 (Syd), 27 Aug 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: 48-year-old Katrina Andropolous is accused of murdering her daughter-in-law. The principal witnesses are those most affected by the tragedy - the mother of the dead girl, her small daughter and the woman's husband, who is the son of the accused.
28. Queen Versus Brown - 20 Aug 1961 (Syd) 3 Sept 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Clifford Arthur Brown is on trial for the murder of Norman Thompson, but he has an alibi - he claims he was robbing a factory at the time the murder took place.
29. Queen Versus Fleming 10 Sept 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Peter Fleming is accused of the abduction of Eileen Powell, a 17-year-old girl whom he claims to love.
30. Queen Versus Farrell - 3 Sept 1961 (Syd) 17 Sept 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: 28-year-old John Farrell is charged with breaking and entering and stealing house goods from a dwelling, the goods being valued at Ł6,000.
31. Queen Versus Prentice - 24 Sept 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Artist's model Patricia Herschell is found murdered aboard a yacht on the Bay. A drawing found lying near the body is the work of artist Lloyd Prentice, who is subsequently charged with her murder.
32. Queen Versus Godfrey - 1 Oct 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Catherine Godfrey, secretary to Mr. Smitherson, a real estate agent, is charged with robbing her employer's wife of Ł3,000.
33. Queen Versus Felton - 8 Oct 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: A 55-year-old solicitor is on trial for the attempted murder of his wife. A grazier claims he saw the accused push his wife from an upstairs window. The matter is complicated because his wife had planned to leave him for the grazier.
Defence counsel Keith Brook.......Keith Eden
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Monica Felton.......Marcella Burgoyne
Court reporter.......Roland Strong
34. Queen Versus Lawton - 15 Oct 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Barney Reynolds is shot with a 200-year-old flintlock rifle, and fellow boarder and owner of the weapon, Geoffrey Lawton, is charged with wounding with intent to kill, although a second man is also suspected.
Geoffrey Lawton.......John Clark
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Defence counsel Robert Field.......Robert Peach
Judge (himself).......Justice Dunbar
Court reporter.......Roland Strong
35. Queen Versus Kelly - 22 Oct 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: The Crown claims that Marion Kelly deliberately pushed her daughter over a cliff to her death, and she is charged with murder.
36. Queen Versus Reinhardt - 29 Oct 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Two men are in love with an exceptionally beautiful young woman, Martha Craig. Carl Reinhardt, a ski-ing instructor who is alleged to have pushed his pupil Lawrence Haines down a treacherous ski run, is on trial for attempted murder.
37. Queen Versus Foster - 5 Nov 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Brian Foster is a keen student of psychology. His friendship with two less privileged teenagers suggests he is also a troublemaker, and he is charged with murder.
Brian Foster.......Paul Rutenis
.......Laurence Beck
.......Irene Tucker
38. Queen Versus Garfield - 12 Nov 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: Ruth Garfield is accused of the murder of her husband.
39. Queen Versus Lucas
Synopsis: When Mrs. Lucas is hit and killed by a car, her daughter-in-law Helen Lucas is charged with murder. GS Joan Winchester, Leonard Bullen
40. Queen Versus Pittman - 13 Nov 1961 (Syd)
Synopsis: Two people are before the court: Elsa Pittman and her husband Don, who was originally engaged to Elsa's sister Katherine. Katherine died when a car plunged over a cliff, and Don and Elsa are charged with conspiring to conceal a crime, and obtaining money by false pretences.
41. Queen Versus Webber
Melbourne 3/12/61
42. Queen Versus Chapman - 27 Nov 1961 (Syd), 10 Dec 1961 (Melb)
A man is accused of murder in an underworld vendetta. GS Gordon Goulding (the accused), Melissa Jaffer (his wife), Senator George Hannan (the judge), John Gould (accountant), Ralda Cunningham (underworld girl), Sadie Kirsner (female witness), Joe Sorbello (criminal). Article on this ep here.
43. Queen Versus Regan - 4 Dec 1961 (Syd)
Synopsis: Regan, aged 17, is charged with attempting to stab his stepfather to death, but he claims he was only defending his mother. There is a personal conflict in court as family and neighbours testify, and the story comes out of 'the other woman' who lead the boy's stepfather away from his mother and thus precipitated the act of violence that led to the trial.
' The other woman'.......Annette Andre
Regan.......Bruce Wilson
Mother.......Moira Farrow
Det. Sgt. Timms.......Gordon Timmins
.......Henry Cocks
44. Queen Versus Williams And Mason - 1 Jan 1962 (Syd). 7 Jan 1962 (Melb)
Synopsis: Ernie Williams and Des Mason are only teens, but they are
jointly accused of breaking into Jessica Butler's house, wantonly
destroying her property and brutally assaulting a man who tried to stop
them. Both boys are from extremely bad homes and all the facts seem to
point to their guilt.
Des Mason.......Andrew Bickford - see article
Ernie Williams.......Barry Greenwood
Crown Prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
.......Nigel Lovell
.......Penelope Shelton
.......Harry Lister
45. Queen Versus Carter - 18 Dec 1961 (Syd), 14 Jan 1962 (Melb)
Synopsis: Four years after Elizabeth Carter (Monica Maughan) has separated from her American husband Carter (Bruce Barry), he returns to demand custody of their two children. In the argument that follows a gun is fired, and she soon faces a charge of wounding with intent to kill.
Sister-in-law.......Moira Carleton
46. Queen Versus Cordell - 8 Jan 1961 (Syd), 21 Jan 1962 (Melb)
Synopsis: Well known racing identity Harry Cordell faces the accusation that racehorse 'Jagged Rock' was doped, resulting in the horse falling whilst running in the Benchford Cup and fatally injuring jockey Barney Cloister. Racing commentator Bill Collins describes the race and gives evidence. See here
Himself.......Bill Collins
.......Gloria Dawn
.......Alan Marshall
.......Sue Burman
.......John Wright
.......Robert Jewell
Notes: 3DB / HSV-7 Racing commentator Bill Collins appears as himself.
Sydney 8/1/62
Melbourne 21/1/62
Hobart 26/8/62
47. Queen Versus MacCallum - 15 Jan 1962 (Syd), 28 Jan 1962 (Melb)
Clive MacCallum.......Earl Francis
Crown Prosecutor Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Defence counsel.......John Morgan
Justice Hanlon.......Senator Hannan
.......Diana Monahan
.......Honni Freger
Synopsis: Radio announcer Clive MacCallum is charged with murder when his fiancee, 22-year-old Julie Payne, is found in a married man's flat, killed while taking a shower.
Melbourne 28/1/62
Sydney 15/1/62
Hobart 2/9/62
48. Queen Versus Peterson - 4 Feb 1962 (Melb)
Frank Peterson.......Don Evans
Harold Mitchell.......Bill Berry
Crown Prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wyn Roberts
Judge (himself).......Justice Dunbar
Court reporter.......Laidley Mort
.......Natalie Raine
.......Ray Angel
Synopsis: Frank Peterson is accused of a robbery that involved a brutal attack upon gentle old shopkeeper Harold Mitchell. He listens unemotionally while the details of the crime are recounted by Crown witnesses, but when called to give his own evidence he fights desperately to convince the jury that he is innocent.
49. Queen Versus Kasolyi - 29 Jan 1962 (Syd) 11 Feb 1962 (Melb)
Synopsis: Marius Kasolyi, a handsome young Hungarian, meets Eileen Martin, a middle-aged Australian woman some twelve years older than himself at a Queensland holiday resort, and exerts all his charms to captivate her. Later, the woman's husband is killed and Kasolyi is charged with murder, but he produces a surprise witness.
Eileen Martin.......June Clyne
Marius Kasolyi.......Harry Starling
Crown Prosecutor Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Defence counsel Keith Brook.......Keith Eden
Judge.......Justice Dunbar
Court reporter.......Laidley Mort
.......Letty Craydon
.......Stan Moore
50. Marsden Versus Shaw - 5 Feb 1962 (Syd), 18 Feb 1962 (Melb)
Synopsis: A child's future is being decided - the natural mother, rich and successful, is suing for custody of 7-year-old John Shaw, and is opposed by the married couple who have looked after John since he was a few weeks old. John comprehends little of what is said, but he knows he is in danger of being taken away from the people he loves. GS: Pamela Page, Henry Gilbert, Leslie Smith, Kendall Flanagan
51. Queen Versus Forde 12 Feb 1962 (Syd)
Defence counsel Robert Fields.......Robert Peach
Crown Prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
.......Brian James
.......Bill Griffiths
.......Joe Rich
.......Lulla Fanning
.......Barbara Angell
Synopsis: Wally Forde, charged with the murder of his wife, faces a water-tight case, which he apparently has no interest in defending. His counsel faces a seemingly impossible task, but skilful cross-examination of a witness uncovers new evidence and a ray of hope for the accused.
Sydney 12/2/62
Melbourne 25/2/62
Hobart 1/10/62
52. Queen Versus Kingston
.......Carl Bleazby
.......Ian Boyce
.......Carol Gibson
Synopsis: A fine Saturday afternoon and Phillip Kingston, a young schoolmaster, goes for a drive into the hills in his new sports car. Outside a post office, he impulsively offers a girl a lift, she accepts, and he later finds himself involved in a charge of murder.
Sydney 19/2/62
Melbourne 4/3/62
53. Queen Versus Griffen
.......Ian Boyce
.......Ray Wheeler
.......Robert Haynes
.......Phyllis Skinner
Synopsis: Press reports of a marriage 15 years ago lead to the exploitation of a foolish woman. She claims that rather than face scandal about herself and her child, she has paid silence money over a period of 5 years - amounting in all to Ł4,000. A young man and his mother are jointly accused of extortion.
Sydney 26/2/62
Melbourne 11/3/62
54. Queen Versus Varner
Lionel Varner.......Owen Weingott
Mrs. Varner.......Diana Givoni
Crown Prosecutor Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Justice Brady.......Eugene Gorman QC
.......Ron Shand
.......Babette Stevens
.......Jim Thompson
.......Kevin Colebrook
Script.......Phil Freedman
Synopsis: Lionel Varner is accused of having obtained money by false pretences. At his trial he is not represented by counsel, as he is confident that he can effectively conduct his own defence. He proceeds to ruthlessly cross-examine the women he is alleged to have defrauded.
Sydney 5/3/62
Melbourne 6/5/62
55. Keller Versus Verdons
Crown Prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Defence counsel Keith Brooks.......Keith Eden
.......Peter Aanensen
.......Dawn Klingberg
.......Trixie Shilte
.......John Gray
.......Zena Santle
.......Alwyn Owen
.......Golda Prince
Synopsis: A young Swiss girl, Martha Greta Keller, falls in love with Bill Verdons, an Australian whom she believes plans to marry her. However, Verdons has other ideas and leads Martha into believing they are married following a bogus marriage ceremony. When he leaves her, the result is an action for breach of promise.
Sydney 12/2/62
Melbourne 13/5/62
56. Queen Versus Miller
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wyn Roberts
Crown Prosecutor kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Judge (himself).......Justice Hanlon
.......Carmel Millhouse
.......Russell Jarrett
.......Roland Heimans
.......High Wade
.......Jeanette Bailer
Synopsis: Schoolboy Richard Miller, who was instrumental in his mother's divorce and re-marriage, testifies against his father, Robert Miller, on a charge of murdering the boy's step-father.
Melbourne 20/5/62
Hobart 28/10/62
57. Queen Versus Bevan
Robert Wilkins.......Stewart Ginn
David Bevan.......Ron Pinnell
Crown Prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Defence counsel Keith Brook.......Keith Eden
Synopsis: When his wife is killed, David Bevan informs the police that he is the murderer. In the early stages of his trial it seems certain that he will be convicted, but then there is an extraordinary development, and the prosecution is forced to change its whole approach to the case.
Hobart 4/11/62
58. Queen Versus Metcalfe
Lance Metcalfe.......Anthony Greappen
Crown Prosecutor Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Defence counsel Robert Field.......Robert Peach
Judge (himself).......Justice Hanlon
.......James Elliott
.......Nancy Warren
.......Lady Jungwirth
Synopsis: Believing that a bushfire would destroy the evidence of his crime, a murderer leaves the scene. But the house is saved when the wind changes at the last moment, and when it is discovered that Mrs. Winifred Craig has been murdered her nephew Lance Metcalfe is accused.
Adelaide 26/4/62
Hobart 12/11/62
59. Queen Versus Brooks
Helen Brooks.......Loriel Smart
Keith Brooks.......Keith Eden
Crown Prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
.......Max Height
.......Maurice Murphy
Synopsis: Keith Brooks, who usually acts as defence counsel, finds himself on the other side of the dock when he is called as a witness on behalf of his wife. Mrs. Helen Brooks is accused of the attempted murder of a young actor whom her brother-in-law believes has been blackmailing her.
Adelaide 3/5/62
Hobart 18/11/62
60. Queen Versus Kester
.......Judith Arthy
.......David Mitchell
Synopsis: Kester is brought to court to face a charge of murder.
Melbourne 1/4/62
61. Queen Versus Burney
.......Ken Goodlet
.......Gwen Plumb
.......Mary McGregor
Synopsis: When Albert Burney broke out of jail it was assumed that he had done so because his old enemy Bill Blackwell had taken his place as co-proprietor of Vi Burney's apartment house. However, when the police reach the house Blackwell is already dead, and when Burney is re-captured he faces another charge - murder.
Melbourne 8/4/62
Hobart 23/12/62
62. Brownley Versus Pagett
.......Natalie Raine
.......Neva Carr-Glyn
.......Jean Campbell
.......Jo Hyman
.......Reginald Newson
.......Patricia Kennedy
.......John Garner
Producer.......Dorothy Crawford
Synopsis: A humorous case develops when five people sue author Georgina Pagett for libel, claiming that her book 'Cupid Comes To Tempest Avenue' has caused them much public ridicule.
Melbourne 15/4/62
63. Queen Versus Fry
Roger Fry.......Rhoderick Walker
.......Lois Ramsey
.......Morna Jones
Synopsis: Roger Fry, a decorated World War 2 airman, is charged with two counts of wounding with intent to murder. It is alleged that he went on a rampage of racial hatred, attacking one German migrant, seriously wounding another, and wounding a detective.
Melbourne 22/4/62
64. Queen Versus Rees
Harold Rees.......Nigel Lovell
Crown Prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
Judge Lewisham.......Lewis Tegart
.......Marcella Burgoyne
.......Peter Mackie
.......Georgina Alcock
.......Marjorie Archibald
Synopsis: When wealthy financier Harold Rees decided to teach a lesson to the young man who was paying attention to his girlfriend, Rees settled on the idea of having him kidnapped. But the next day the body of the man was found strangled in a gully. Rees is charged with the murder, and jealousy is given as the motive, with the killing alleged to have taken place in Rees's home. Rees denies all knowledge of the case at first, then admits to a fantastic story.
Melbourne 29/4/62
Sydney 14/5/62
Hobart 13/1/63
65. Queen Versus Naughton
Frances Naughton.......Anne Haddy
Mrs. Naughton.......Maiva Drummond
Jack Stevens.......Chris Christensen
Crown Prosecutor Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Defence counsel Robert Field.......Robert Peach
Judge (himself).......Justice Dunbar
Myrna Naughton.......Noel Byrne
Stanley Naughton.......George Whaley
Dr. Winfield.......Frank Watson
Detective.......Eric Millar
.......Cora Bell
Synopsis: When a woman is called upon to bear with an ailing husband, an invalid whose morbid outlook makes life a burden to all those around him, she takes deliberate steps which lead to his death by leaving a lethal dose of medicine within his reach. The jury has to decide upon a verdict when the woman is charged with the murder of her husband, which she claims was a 'mercy killing'.
Melbourne 27/5/62
Hobart 20/1/63
66. Queen Versus Palmer
Kevin Tressell.......Max Osbiston
Det. Sgt. Timms.......Gordon Timmins
Crown Prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Patricia Tully.......Fran Gutterres
Angus Palmer.......Arthur Howells
Mrs. Gordon.......Frances Pask
Court reporter.......Laidley Mort
.......Robin McKay
Synopsis: An unusual case comes to court when an old man, a self-appointed 'Defender of Public Morals' in his home town who had the habit of venting his rage on courting couples, is charged with the attempted murder of a young man popular with the town girls.
Melbourne 3/6/62
67. Queen Versus Langford And Matthews
Jocelyn Matthews.......Sheila Florance
Eileen Matthews.......Penelope Manners
Michael Thomas.......Ray Longford
Peter Woerden.......Mackie Smetana
Ernest Jackson.......Albert Johnson
Brian Fletcher.......John Dunn
Deborah Nicholls.......Nancy Fryberg
Det. Sgt. Ericson.......Eric Millar
Synopsis: A teenage girl's infatuation with a beatnik guitarist, and a struggle between her 'old school' guardian and the youth for possession of a gun, bring tragedy to a suburban home and lead to a young couple standing trial for murder.
Sydney 4/6/62
Melbourne 10/6/62
68. Debressac Versus Emerson And Panter
Rosa Debressac.......Emilica Vera
Waldo St John Panter.......John Hansen
George Debrassac.......Hedley Cullen
Gabrielle Emerson.......Jane Norris
Mrs. Bradfireld.......Beth Thwaites
TV commercial actress.......Frances McMahon
.......Campbell Copelin
.......Diane Norris
Script.......Osmar White
Synopsis: A motley collection of witnesses, singers, bubble dancers, writers and artists are called upon to give evidence in a defamation action brought by a professional singer against a self-styled music critic.
Sydney 11/6/62
Melbourne 17/6/62
Brisbane 24/6/62
69. Queen Versus Dark
Michael Dark.......Bob Moore
Margaret Delaney.......Jacqueline Kott
Joyce Pitt.......Joan Levecke
Maureen Baker.......Rhonda Numquam
Mrs. Baker.......Joan Lord
Det. Sgt. Timms.......Gordon Timmins
Dr. Lodge.......John Kermode
Barbara Mitchell.......Yvonne Nicholson
George Steele.......Malcolm Cooke
Synopsis: Two weeks after being reported as missing by his wife, a man's body with a knife wound through the heart is dragged from the bed of a lake. Michael Dark is charged with his murder. The deceased had recently been acquitted of the manslaughter of Dark's wife and child.
Sydney 18/6/62
Melbourne 24/6/62
Hobart 17/2/63
70. Queen Versus Hughes
Lucy Tucker.......Stella Lamond
Terry Gillespie.......Rod McLennan
Patsy.......Clare Dunne
Mrs. Hughes.......Barbara Brandon
Harold Hartley.......Leonard J. Batty
Pathologist.......P. G. Dixon
.......John Gould
Synopsis: An enthusiastic gardener tackles the wilderness at the back of the cottage he's just moved into, and turns up three female skeletons. Charged with the murder is the previous owner, Ernest Patrick Hughes, an ageing Don Juan. But is he guilty, or is he a victim of circumstances?
Melbourne 1/7/62
71. Queen Versus Schramm
Anna Schramm.......Greta Glenn
Hedley Payne.......Alan Murray
William Dickinson.......Douglas Kelly
Policewoman.......Jeanette White
Defence counsel Robert Field.......Robert Peach
Alice Walters.......Sonia Borg
Robson.......George Dixon
Mr. Walters.......Walter Hurlstone
Eleanor Mathieson.......Daphne Miller
Synopsis: An unscrupulous fortune teller collaborates with an equally unscrupulous estate agent and lands in jail on charges of conspiracy to defraud.
Sydney 3/7/62
Melbourne 8/7/62
72. Queen Versus Blair
Lydia Durant.......Maggie Millar
John Blair.......Bruce Oxford
Nora Merton.......Judith Thomson
Anita Hallam.......Felicity Young
Det. Sgt. Ericson.......Eric Millar
McPherson.......Ronald Sambell
Musson.......Raymond O'Reilly
Alice Clark.......Mabel McKinnon
Harold Ross.......Michael Alfonzetti
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Defence counsel Roscoe.......John Ross
Court reporter.......Laidley Mort
Judge (himself).......Justice Dunbar
Synopsis: Drug addict John Blair is accused of murdering his girlfriend Lydia Durant when, subsequent to her name being listed with the Missing Persons Bureau, a woman's skeleton is discovered, and is believed to be hers. Amidst accusations of drug peddling, Blair denies killing the girl - then Lydia appears in court, still very much alive.
Sydney 10/7/62
Melbourne 15/7/62
Hobart 10/3/63
73. Queen Versus Cragney
Flynn.......Roy Day
Crown prosecutor Rowlands.......Roland Strong
Turner.......Bob Hornery
Heathcote.......Alan Tobin
Roslyn Flynn.......Sally White
Mrs. Meredith.......Agnes Dobson
Thomas Cragney.......Alec Regan
Police sergeant.......Robert Earle
Graham Cragney.......Desmond Murphy
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
Synopsis: A man who believes in taking the law into his own hands is charged with maliciously wounding his neighbour's prize bull. The accused claims he was actually aiming at his neighbour and hit the bull by mistake.
Sydney 17/7/62
Melbourne 22/7/62
74. Queen Versus Nolan
Defence counsel Keith Brooks.......Keith Eden
Det. Sgt. Timms.......Gordon Timmins
Charles Hall.......Roly Barlee
Bette Nolan.......Lynne Breton
Linda.......Julie Day
Doug Buller.......Bert Benney
Donald Dickson.......Maurice Downs
Mrs. White.......Phyllis Iredale
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Geoff Stevens.......Harry Best
Helen.......Doreen Triggs
Synopsis: American actress Bette Nolan shoots the man whom she blames for her child’s death, claiming she was too distressed to know what she was doing.
Sydney 24/7/62
Melbourne 29/7/62
Brisbane 5/8/62
75. Queen Versus Lawson
Mary Lawson.......Noanie Rothsey
George Lawson.......Franklyn Evans
Bill Lawson.......Andrew Lodge
Ann Phillips.......June Clyne
Ellen Davies.......Olive Verdon
Det. Sgt. Timms.......Gordon Timmins
Crown prosecutor Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
Defence counsel Robert Field.......Robert Peach
Reg Baker.......John Roberts
Dr. Johnson.......John Williamson
Policeman.......Ernie Nunn
Judge (himself).......Justice Dunbar
Court reporter.......Laidley Mort
Script.......John Ormiston Reid
Synopsis: George Lawson, a man of high moral principles but short temper, calls on the married man who, according to local gossip, is having an affair with his daughter. In a quarrel, the man is stabbed and dies. The jury must decide whether the dead man was deliberately murdered, stabbed in a fit of rage or, as the accused man claims, killed accidentally.
Sydney 31/7/62
Melbourne 5/8/62
76. Queen Versus Grant
Kath Hutchins.......Liz Harris
Alice Munro.......Bunney Brooke
Crown prosecutor Rowlands.......Roland Strong
Leslie Grant.......Danny O'Meara
Wilma Grant.......Lillian Odrowaz
Bruce Munro.......Clifford Neate
Terence Hutchins.......Ross Sellars
Richard Beasly.......Charles Stroubents
Det. Sgt. Ericson.......Eric Millar
Defence counsel Roscoe.......John Ross
Synopsis: An argument that starts between two men at a football match leads to a fight. One man dies as a result of his injuries, and the other is charged with manslaughter.
Sydney 7/8/62
Melbourne 12/8/62
77. Queen Versus Glandon
Owen Bresley.......John Fegan
Joyce Bresley.......Natalie Raine
Judith Harper.......Robyn Nevin
Roy Glandon.......Phillip Ross
Shirley Bresley.......Patricia Littlewood
Wilson.......Peter Oysten
James Valgence.......Francis Dunster
Miss Crompton.......Toni Le Parker
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
Synopsis: A wealthy farmer, Owen Bresley, is persuaded by his wife to dismiss a hired hand, Roy Glandon, with whom their daughter has fallen in love. Some time later, 120 sheep are stolen from the Bresley property and 120 sheep are delivered to the saleyards by Glandon, and Glandon is accused of stealing them.
Sydney 12/8/62
Melbourne 19/8/62
Hobart 14/4/63
78. Queen Versus Bartel
Hugo Bartel.......Paul Karo
Olga Bartel.......Hazel Hollander
Nick Andronis.......Lorenzo Nolan
Madge Evans.......Renee Wray
Olive Green.......Geraldine Dunphy
Elma Dickens.......Betty Randall
Archibald Motely.......Howard Hodge
Stanley Potts.......Edward Staunton
Nolene Dover.......Beris Sullivan
Henry Gordons.......Gordon Kerry
Synopsis: Hugo Bartel, brought up in a prison camp during World War 2, in and out of Australian reformatories as a teenager, now stands trial for murder after a dead man is found in a lift well. Hugo presents a sorry, hopeless picture - he is an illiterate migrant incapable of convincing a jury of his story of 'persecution'.
Sydney 19/8/62
Brisbane 2/9/62
Melbourne 23/9/62
79. Queen Versus Carson And Carson
Robert Carson.......Bill Bennett
Jenkins.......Joe McCormick
Lena Carson.......Molly Wood
Anne Mills.......Gwen Brittain
Doug French.......Stuart Finch
Denton.......Vernon York
Gates.......Frank Howlett
Van Doren.......Rhoderick Walker
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
Defence counsel Robert Field.......John Ross
.......Mary Callan
Synopsis: Robert Carson and his wife Lena are accused of trying to defraud by falsely reporting his disappearance on the way to Tasmania so that his wife could claim on his insurance policy.
Sydney 26/8/62
Melbourne 2/9/62
80. Queen Versus Goodwin
John Goodwin.......Denys Burrows
Judge.......Senator George Hannan
Schoolgirl.......Jillian Campbell
Joseph Pratt.......Dominic Schipiano
Pensioner.......Daryll Robins
Crown prosecutor Rowlands.......Roland Strong
Defence counsel Robert Field.......Robert Peach
.......Edith Coulson
Synopsis: Joseph Pratt's parents are quite willing to let him go away for a long weekend with close friend John Goodwin. Anxiety then anger sets in when they don't return, Joseph finally turning up badly disfigured by burns.
Sydney 6/9/62
Melbourne 9/9/62
81. Queen Versus Bent
Lynne Driscoll.......Juliana Allen
Tommy Bent.......Harold Blair
Leslie Butler.......David Watt
Graham Butler.......Vernon Spencer
Rocky Hawkins.......James Scullin
Ed Rowe.......Raymond Fedden
Gladys Willetts.......Isobel Kuhl
Constable Foley.......D. McQueen
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
Court reporter.......Laidley Mort
.......Eileen Berry
Synopsis: Tommy Bent, an Aboriginal stockman, falls foul of the boss's nephew Graham. Trouble develops between them, a fight starts and Graham is shot. Who will the jury believe - an Aboriginal stockman or the boss's nephew?
Sydney 9/9/62
Melbourne 16/9/62
82. Queen Versus Broderick
Miss Broderick.......Fernande Glyn
Crown prosecutor Rowlands.......Roland Strong
Russell Broderick.......Carl Bleazby
Judge.......John Casson
Granger.......Rod Douglas
Mother-In-Law.......Margaret Reid
Sheila Drummond.......Betty Eames
Radcliff.......Ron Granger
Defence counsel Roscoe.......John Ross
.......Marilyn Smith
Director.......John Dixon
Synopsis: A man blinded by fire, Russell Broderick, leaves his wife who is dominated by her money-hungry mother. He and his small daughter, whom he adores, live in a flat where he earns a living making blankets. They are visited by his estranged wife, and she tells him that she is taking the child to live with another man. A fight ensues, she is killed, and he is charged with murder.
Melbourne 26/8/62
Sydney 16/9/62
Hobart 19/5/63
83. Queen Versus Bowden
George Bowden.......John Gray
Elsie Bowden.......Olive Walter
Beverley Bowden.......Jessica Noad
Mrs. Hill.......Mary Underhill
Andrew Lucas.......Les Gates
Richard Darnell.......Donald Mackay
Mrs. Wilcox.......Marie Furlong
Munroe.......Les Wood
Constable.......Bob Stewart
Script.......Mary Underhill
Synopsis: A man is charged with maliciously wounding his wife when she obtains a maintenance order against him.
Sydney 23/9/62
Melbourne 30/9/62
84. Scott Versus Black
Thomas Scott.......John Sanger
Clare Scott.......Benita Harvey
Mr. Dean.......Charles Tasman
Arthur Black.......Ken Warne
.......Michael Landy
.......George Smart
.......Lance Nicholls
.......Phyllis Brudenell
Synopsis: Arthur Black is sued for slander by Thomas Scott, his one time friend and ex-RAAF comrade, after Black makes a damaging statement at a staff party.
Sydney 30/9/62
Melbourne 7/10/62
85. Queen Versus Todd
Defence counsel Keith Brooks.......Keith Eden
Crown prosecutor Keneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Lucinda Morell.......Anne Charleston
Lachlan Todd.......Charles Haggith
Anne Hitton.......Monica Sheargold
Dr. Bassett.......Christopher Hill
Basil Duffield.......Andrew Bickford
Victoria Logan.......Sadie Kirsner
Hilda Walkams.......Belle Rothwell
Charles Diamond.......Wiliam Kitchen
Detective.......Eric Millar
Psychiatrist.......L. P. Hamilton
Synopsis: A mentally retarded labourer's wife dies due to a brain tumour. Holding a grudge, he throws a home-made bomb into the surgery of the doctor who was treating her.
Sydney 7/10/62
Melbourne 16/12/62
Hobart 16/6/63
86. Queen Versus MacReady
MacReady.......Burt Malcolm
Crown prosecutor Rowlands.......Roland Strong
.......Alan Rowe
.......Vaughan Tracey
.......Bryan Edward
.......Evelyn Gatliff
.......Bryan Edwards
.......Pamela Greenfield
Synopsis: A fading boxer, MacReady, and an ex-convict are accused of assaulting a jeweller and stealing 8000 pounds worth of diamonds.
Notes: Former Victorian light and welter weight champion boxer Bert Malcolm is featured in the role of MacReady.
Sydney 14/10/62
Melbourne 21/10/62
Hobart 23/6/63
87. Queen Versus Nelson
Michael Nelson.......Don Crosby
Caroline Nelson.......Ethel Lang
Guy Nelson.......John Menara
Rita Holland.......Jenny Gale
Mrs. Carpenter.......Christine Calcutt
Dr. Turner.......Reg Cannon
Psychiatrist.......Alexander Varadi
Det. Sgt. Ericson.......Eric Millar
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Defense counsel Robert Field.......Robert Peach
.......Betty Birrell
Synopsis: Evidence leaves little doubt that young Mrs. Nelson and her mother-in-law Caroline were on bad terms and frequently disagreed over the upbringing of the children. But would Caroline Nelson go so far as to kill her son's wife?
Sydney 21/10/62
Melbourne 28/10/62
Perth 30/12/62
Hobart 30/6/63
88. Queen Versus Johnson
Mrs. Haughton.......Judith Dick
Johnson.......Bruce Myles
Haughton.......Morton Smith
Miss Peter.......Ruth Pacers
Johnson Snr........Douglas Kelly
Mrs. Anderson.......Margo Harper
Smith.......Barry Harper
Doctor.......Christopher Hill
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Defence counsel Keith Brooks.......Keith Eden
Synopsis: When the sports car he is driving skids onto a footpath, killing a child and injuring the mother, Johnson is charged with manslaughter.
Sydney 28/10/62
Melbourne 4/11/62
89. Queen Versus Upton
Keith Upton.......Terence Donovan
Carol Sutherland.......Joy Mitchell
Adelaide Upton.......Queenie Ashton
Benjamin Hopkins.......Bill Berry
Jane Chatham.......Isobel Kellerman
John Sutherland.......George Virgonas
William Hunt.......Jim Skipworth
Det. Sgt. Ericson.......Eric Millar
Crown prosecutor Robert Field.......Robert Peach
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
Judge Lewisham.......Lewis Tegart
Court reporter.......Laidley Mort
Richard Upton.......Alan Light
Synopsis: Richard Upton and his student son Ken are both attracted to the same girl. When Ken is found gassed to death in a sleep-out, his mother is charged with the murder.
Sydney 4/11/62
Melbourne 11/11/62
90. Queen Versus Katulkas
Judge Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Det. Sgt. Timms.......Gordon Timmins
Vitas Katulkas.......Kurt Ludescher
Mrs. Pommers.......Rachel Holzer
Amanatas.......Kurt Beimel
Trudy Katulkas.......Magda Marzkovits
Rosenbaum.......Mackie Smetana
Ozols.......Fred Dekem
Mrs. Billings.......Jean Freer
Philak.......Earnest Byk
Mitchell.......Frank Palmer
Interpreter.......Saro Abel
Defence counsel Roscoe.......John Ross
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Synopsis: Vitas Katulkas, a migrant, is charged with obtaining money and goods by false pretences. He claims the real culprit is a man named Kurt Fleischer, who allegedly lived in the Katulkas' house.
Sydney 11/11/62
Melbourne 18/11/62
91. Queen Versus Whittaker
Andy Whittaker.......Robert McPhee
Judge.......John Royle
Det. Sgt. Ericson.......Eric Millar
Manager.......Chris Christensen
Lawyer Robert Field .......Robert Peach
.......Janice Copeland
.......Jack Perry
.......Paul Maloney
.......John Martin
.......James Tuckerman
.......Miki Porter
.......Nola Finn
Synopsis: Young singer Andy Whittaker is charged with attempted murder and intent to cause grievous bodily harm after his attack on the manager of the revue company with which he is touring.
Sydney 18/11/62
Melbourne 25/11/62
92. Queen Versus MacKinnon
Defence counsel Keith Brooks.......Keith Eden
Mrs. MacKinnon.......Joan Letch
Bob MacKinnon.......John O'Sullivan
King.......William Wilson
Doreen Barlow.......Barbara Angell
Mrs. Donaldson.......Cerie Piercy
Chris.......Douglas Banks
Younger.......John Budden
Mrs. Millis.......Eileen Berry
Worthing.......Peter Lacy
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Det. Sgt. Ericson.......Eric Millar
Judge.......John Royle
Synopsis: A man is charged with murder following the death of a car park attendant who disturbed a car thief.
Sydney 2/12/62
Melbourne 9/12/62
Hobart 11/8/63
93. Queen Versus Dean
Leslie Dean.......Ken Goodlet
Judge Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Det. Sgt. Timms.......Gordon Timmins
Crown prosecutor Rowlands.......Roland Strong
Bettine Lockhart.......Mary Richards
Miss Pearce.......Helen Harper
Barry Sutton.......Al Thomas
Ted Lockhart.......John Angus
Mrs. Barley.......Ethel Beldam
Brookes.......Eric Little
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
Synopsis: Leslie Dean is charged with extortion after asking a former girlfriend, Bettine Lockhart, for Ł150 for a potentially damaging photo and letter.
Sydney 25/11/62
Melbourne 2/12/62
94. Queen Versus Marshall
Linda Marshall.......Clarissa Kaye
Geoffrey Shearman.......Lance Bennett
James Palmer.......Jim Taylor
Peter Fletcher.......Paul Eddey
Frances Townley.......Roma Williams
Justice Lewisham.......Lewis Tegart
Mavis Sands.......June Gould
Alan Brereton.......Alwyn Pearce
Doctor.......John Holmes
Crown prosecutor Rowlands.......Roland Strong
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
Court reporter.......Laidley Mort
Synopsis: Attractive Linda Marshall is charged with manslaughter and driving under the influence of alcohol.
Sydney 9/12/62
Melbourne 17/2/63
95. Queen Versus Hastings
Judge Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Dennis Hastings.......Douglas Edmonds
Mrs. Prentiss.......Letty Craydon
Alan Prentiss.......Eric Gormley
Harper.......Dion Boehme
Dorothy Jarvis.......Janis Kelk
Crown prosecutor.......John Maxim
Defence counsel Roscoe.......John Ross
Mrs. Hastings.......Phyllis Chester
Malley.......William Flett
Bevan.......Patrick Campbell
Synopsis: Many boys in the area wore red shirts abd black tapered trousers - could witnesses say for sure which of them was carrying a rifle? Or who fired a premeditated shot? Teenager Dennis Hastings is charged with wounding with the intent of causing grievous bodily harm when a man is shot in the leg.
Sydney 16/12/62
Melbourne 5/5/63
96. Queen Versus Pohlson - 6 Nov 1961 (Syd), 19 Nov 1961 (Melb)
Synopsis: After Charles Ridge is stabbed to death, his wife and family are horrified to discover that the knife found lying beside the body belongs to Otto Pohlson, the victim’s father-in-law and business partner.
97. Queen Versus Bannery
Michael Bannery.......Peter Aanensen
Jack McLean.......Tommy Dysart
Det. Sgt. Timms.......Gordon Timmins
Justice Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Defence counsel Robert Field.......Robert Peach
Dave Betts.......Bob Jewell
Chris Delaney.......Michael Walsh
Leona Wardle.......Miriam Manne
Myra Fuller.......Marion Edward
Charlie Wang.......Tom Chinn
Joe Wardle.......Robert Haynes
Court reporter.......Laidley Mort
Script.......Douglas Tainsh
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Assistant Producer.......Sonia Borg
Synopsis: Shearer Michael Bannery is charged after assaulting a fellow shearer, both of whom were attracted to the same woman.
Melbourne 27/1/63
98. Queen Versus Adams And Lenton
William Draper.......Terry McDermott
Herbert Pommeroy.......Gordon Glenwright
Harold Lenton.......Neville Gaha
Ruth Adams.......Judy Hooks
Molly O’Brien.......Eileen O’Keefe
Josephine Burke.......Janet Gould
James Wentworth.......Peter Drake
Thomas Harrison.......Leonard Wintour
Bradley.......Les Wood
Det. Sgt. Ericson.......Eric Millar
Synopsis: Adams and Lenton are charged on three counts of robbery with violence after several people have been attacked and robbed in or near a taxi.
Melbourne 24/2/63
99. Queen Versus Clay
Judge Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Defence counsel Keith Brooks.......Keith Eden
Det. Sgt. Timms.......Gordon Timmins
Carla Costella.......Lorna Forbes
Neville Clay.......Ron Sambell
Guiseppe Costella.......Edward Howell
Mrs. Clay.......Louise Hommfrey
Vittorio.......Paul Slaughter
Tony.......James Nevas
Hewitt.......Milton Tyter
Marlene.......Adriane Eldenich
Withers.......Thomas Melroid
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Script.......Douglas Tainsh
Director.......Bruce Ross-Smith
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: Italian Rocco Costella is found dead with fatal head injuries and Neville Clay is charged with his murder. But Clay denies ever having owned or worn the brown suit the murderer was seen wearing.
Melbourne 3/3/63
Adelaide 17/3/63
100. Queen Versus Cartwright
Allan Cartwright.......Nevil Thurgood
Crown prosecutor Rowlands.......Roland Strong
Judge.......John Royle
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
Shop witness.......Mitch Mathews
.......Max Bruch
.......Albert Connell
Synopsis: A well known criminal is shot, and Allan Cartwright, proprietor of a dry-cleaning shop, is charged with attempted murder. However, the accused says the victim was running an extortion racket, and the defence counsel’s hopes rest upon the evidence of an obviously terrified man.
Notes: Tasmanian television personality Mitch Mathews (hostess of Hobart-produced Telewives’ Time) makes her acting debut in this episode.
Sydney 17/2/63
Melbourne 17/3/63
Hobart 9/6/63
101. Queen Versus Farragh
Det. Sgt. Timms.......Gordon Timmins
William Farragh.......John Burls
.......Lloyd Cunningham
.......Gloria McDonald
.......Lillian Lavender
.......John Baker
.......Bill Lewis
.......Norman Kuhl
Synopsis: William Farragh pleads not guilty to murder when the body of Reginald Crombey is found on a cliff top, and he denies even knowing him.
Sydney 24/2/63
Melbourne 24/3/63
102. Queen Versus Grimsley
Mark Grimsley.......David Spurling
Joanne Grimsley.......Jennifer Robinson
Jack Watson.......Alan Terrie
Grace Casper.......Sally Dobson
Edison.......John Armstrong
Graham Fox.......Irving Dimmit
Mrs. Wadsworth.......Nancye Stewart
Evelyn Gross.......Anne O’Farrell
Synopsis: Mark Grimsley is on trial for forging a Ł1,700 cheque. An acquaintance of Grimsley happens to be on the jury, and he offers to influence the verdict - for a price.
Sydney 3/3/63
Melbourne 31/3/63
Hobart 6/10/63
103. Queen Versus Gresham
Det. Sgt. Ericson.......Eric Millar
.......Dorothy Bradley
.......Joanne Duff
.......Jack Bowkett
.......Hazel Hollander
.......May Horder
.......Allan Richmond
.......Chris Hesse
.......Raymond Black
.......Des McQueen
.......Norman Hobbs
Synopsis: Lorraine Gresham pleads not guilty to two charges, one of attempted suicide and another of the murder of Alan Petersen. They were found in a locked car with a hose from the exhaust pipe leading into the car.
Sydney 10/3/63
Melbourne 19/5/63
Hobart 13/10/63
104. Queen Versus Pannam
Jack Pannam.......Vic Haggith
Farmer.......Allen Ruthven
William Mann.......Harold Wagland
Lacy.......Joe Sorbeller
Sandra Ellis.......Naomie Wilson
Emily Parson.......Gazel Bulleld
Doctor.......Patrick Kirkwood
Keen.......Ronald Northroy
Mrs. Ellis.......Mary Callan
Synopsis: On a building site, dogman Jack Pannam was guiding a huge girder into position when a member of the construction crew was swept to his death by the swinging beam. Pannam is charged with murder when witnesses claim he gave orders which led to the man’s death.
Sydney 17/3/63
Melbourne 14/4/63
105. Queen Versus Fenwick
Angela Fenwick.......Elizabeth Wing
Randolph Fenwick.......David Williams
Robert Fenwick.......Andrew Guild
Martin Jones.......Albert Johnson
Emma Fenwick.......Muriel Stevens
Jeremy Stevens.......James White
Charles Hill.......Arthur Howells
Det. Sgt. Timms.......Gordon Timmins
Synopsis: Randolph Fenwick is charged with murder when, after heavy rain washes away soil in dense scrub, his son discovers the skeleton of Sally Alexander, reported missing over twenty years ago.
Sydney 24/3/63
Melbourne 21/4/63
Hobart 27/10/63
106. Queen Versus Luxton
Cynthia Martin.......Elspeth Ballantyne
Julian Hersley.......Allan Light
Cornelius Luxton.......Hedley Cullen
Angela Brown.......Janet Hollister
Mooney.......Donald Beaton
Golanz.......George Dixon
Miss Phillips.......Connie Christie
Synopsis: Art dealer Cornelius Luxton is charged with the murder of artist Arthur Bright after Bright's body is found in a well on Luxton's property. Evidence suggests that Luxton and Bright were accomplices in an art racket.
Sydney 31/3/63
Melbourne 28/4/63
107. Queen Versus Buckley And Field
Judge Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Crown prosecutor Rowlands.......Roland Strong
John Tampo.......Reg Mankin
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
Det. Sgt. Ericson.......Eric Millar
.......Bunney Brooke
.......Ivor Bromley
.......Carl Luck
.......Leona Perry
.......Addie Black
.......Sandra English
.......Wynn Austin
.......Peter McKie
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: A small girl is killed, but it is suspected that the bullet was meant for circus owner John Tampo for revenge. Two former employees, William Buckley and Tom Field, are charged with murder.
Sydney 7/4/63
Melbourne 26/5/63
108. Queen Versus Rosenski
Crown prosecutor Keith Brooks.......Keith Eden
Defence counsel John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Judge Lewisham.......Lewis Tegart
Det. Sgt. Timms.......Gordon Timmins
Janis Rosenski.......Christopher Higgins
Charles Baynes.......Ron Shand
Edna Crandall.......Shirley Donald
Heather Nicholls .......Molly Woods
Joseph Townsend .......Terence Dance
Ethel Longden.......Lorna Taber
George Peers.......Ken Bower
Henry Clough.......James Edwards
Court reporter.......Laidley Mort
Script.......Enid Johns
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Associate Producer.......Sonia Borg
Script Editor.......Phil Freedman
Synopsis: A small boy is kidnapped and a short time later two bodies, those of a man and a boy, are discovered in a shallow grave. Janis Rosenski, who has confessed to being connected with the kidnapping, is charged with murder.
Sydney 14/4/63
Melbourne 12/5/63
109. Queen Versus Mantle
Clifford Mantle.......Joe McCormick
Mrs. Mantle.......Nellie Lamport
Barbara Mantle.......Madeleine Howell
Doctor.......Lance Nicholls
Synopsis: Clifford Mantle is charged with the murder of his 19-year-old son. The only witness is the accused's mother, who is suffering from amnesia.
Sydney 21/4/63
Melbourne 2/6/63
Hobart 24/11/63
110. Queen Versus Hammer
Mike Donovan.......Syd Conabere
Mrs. Donovan.......Rona Johnstone
Harry Finn.......Bill Griffin
Lawyer Roscoe.......John Ross
.......David Copping
.......Douglas Kelly
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: gang warfare between two standover groups appears to have been the cause of the murder of Mike Donovan. Eric Hammer, a member of the rival group, is charged with murder.
Sydney 28/4/63
Melbourne 9/6/63
111. Queen Versus Lanyon ^
Robert Lanyon.......Owen Weingott
Judge.......Keith Johns
.......Marjorie Archibald
.......Mary Norton
.......Anna Lee
.......Garth Wilding-Forbes
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: Robert Lanyon helps smuggle a Chinese girl into Australia. When she is found dead in a crate on the wharf, he is charged with murder.
Sydney 5/5/63
Melbourne 18/8/63
112. Queen Versus Burns
Hilary.......Marilyn Mayo
Judge Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Raymond Burns.......Peter Drake
Mrs. Burns.......Natalie Raine
Albert Scholes.......Malcolm Billing
Defence counsel.......Christopher Hill
Crown prosecutor Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
.......Esme Melville
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: A soldier pleads not guilty to a charge of attacking a young girl. His defence counsel states he suffered concussion on the day before the attack.
Sydney 12/5/63
Melbourne 23/6/63
113. Queen Versus Charleswith
Brian Charleswith.......Bruce Myles
Lawyer Roscoe.......John Ross
.......Tom Farley
.......Marie Furlong
.......John Fairfax
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: 18-year-old Brian Charleswith pleads guilty to a charge of murder, but the judge suggests that justice would be better served if he pleaded not guilty.
Sydney 19/5/63
Melbourne 30/6/63
114. Queen Versus Smith
John Smith.......Geoffrey Goldsmith
Crown prosecutor.......John Maxim
.......Kay Eklund
.......Ian Boyce
.......Marion Becroft
.......Louise Homfrey
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: Joan Smith disappears, and her small son is brought into hospital a short time later, suffering from an attempted strangulation. Later, Joan's body is discovered under a house, and her husband is charged with murder.
Sydney 26/5/63
Melbourne 7/7/63
115. Queen Versus Hunter
Frederick Hunter.......Blaise Antony
Defence counsel Keith Brooks.......Keith Eden
Marjorie Buxton.......Lois Ramsay
Ann Taylor.......Isobel Skelton
.......Peter Clarke
.......Robert Ford
.......Keith Napier
.......Bert Benny
.......Joseph Szabor
Synopsis: For society girl Betty Daynes, gambler Frederick Hunter was excitingly romantic, even if he was from the wrong side of the tracks. But the romance ends in her death - she is found on a golf course shot dead, and Hunter is charged with her murder.
Sydney 2/6/63
Melbourne 14/7/63
116. Queen Versus Young
Derek Young.......Richard Howe
.......Terri Aldred
.......Helen Douglas
Synopsis: Derek Young asks his wife for a divorce so that he can marry someone else, but she refuses. A short time later, she barely escapes incineration when trapped in a mysterious household fire, and Young is charged with attempted murder.
Melbourne 21/7/63
117. Queen Versus Kingsley
Alexander Kingsley.......John Rickard
Margaret Kingsley.......Patricia Kennedy
.......Al Mack
.......Julie Copeland
.......Carla Christaris
.......Jim Murphy
.......Ken Bower
.......Alwyn Peers
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: Alexander Kingsley has had constant arguments with his wealthy invalid step-father, so much so that the old man changes his will in favour of his daughter Margaret. Mr. Kingsley is later found dead, and Alexander is charged with his murder.
Melbourne 28/7/63
118. Queen Versus Radford
Laura Radford.......Sheila Florance
Crown prosecutor.......Chris Christensen
Justice Kenneth Carter .......Kenric Hudson
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
.......Tony de Clifford
.......Peter Oysten
.......Helen Harper
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: There appears to have been a continual conflict between Jack Radford and his second wife Laura over her son Bruce. When Jack is fatally wounded by a shotgun blast, Laura is charged with murder. She pleads self defence, despite evidence given by Jack's daughter Frances that provides a strong murder motive.
Sydney 23/6/63
Adelaide 28/7/63
Melbourne 4/8/63
119. Queen Versus Travers
Lauren Travers.......Marguerite Owen
Secretary.......Ray Sherry
Justice Kenneth Carter .......Kenric Hudson
Lawyer John Taylor .......George Fairfax
Lawyer Roscoe .......John Ross
.......Golden Prince
.......Geoffrey Gray
.......Lee Parry
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: Finance racketeer Richard Dennison's defacto wife is charged with his murder, the motive being that she wanted to leave him for someone else.
Sydney 30/6/63
Melbourne 11/8/63
120. Queen Versus Handson
Ken Handson.......Lex Mitchell
.......Terence Donovan
.......Ruth Pacers
.......Pat Littlewood
.......Roger Cox
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: A man is slashed to death. Ken Handson, who had a grudge against him, is charged. Both men visited a sly grog shop.
Melbourne 25/8/63
121. Queen Versus Campbell
Phillip Campbell.......Charles Meade
.......Terry McDermott
.......Julia Blake
.......Beth Nichols
.......John Ross
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: A charming man who has been misrepresented, or a con man with a glib tongue? That is the question put forward at the trial of Phillip Campbell, who is charged on three counts of obtaining money by false pretences, after several people in a country town invest and lose money with him.
Sydney 14/7/63
Melbourne 1/9/63
122. Queen Versus Blunt
Crown prosecutor.......Terry Norris
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
Judge Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Marion.......Veronica Blanco
.......Eric Coladetti
Director.......Bruce Ross-Smith
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: Jealousy between two men in a fencing repair gang results in a death when a truck trying to keep ahead of flood waters strikes mechanical trouble, and Red Siddons who cannot swim is drowned. The Crown claims Johnny Blunt interfered with the truck and he is charged with murder.
Sydney 21/7/63
Melbourne 8/9/63
123. Queen Versus Hesketh
Mrs. Hesketh.......Pamela Mai
Hesketh.......Dennis Doonan
Lawyer Roscoe .......John Ross
.......Kurt Ludescher
.......Robert Haynes
Script.......Rosalie Stephenson
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: A psychiatrist is called in when a distraught mother is accused of murdering her three-month-old baby. The baby is heir to a Ł25,000 legacy. Her defence is that she was deeply depressed at the time, and her plea is guilty of a serious crime, but not guilty of murder.
Sydney 28/7/63
Melbourne 15/9/63
124. Queen Versus Tudor
Richard Tudor.......Bill Lewis
Det. Sgt. Timms.......Gordon Timmins
Crown prosecutor.......Terry Norris
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
.......Marie Redshaw
.......Keith Johns
.......Isobel Deller
.......Gusti Korner
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: Shopkeeper Alan Chilton is shot and fatally wounded. It appears robbery is the motive, and Richard Tudor is charged.
Sydney 4/8/63
Adelaide 8/9/63
Melbourne 22/9/63
125. Queen Versus Challis And Burrows
.......John Stevens
.......Vicki Bettese
.......Rita Rider
.......Sally Sander
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: Jeweller Peter Berg, who is in the habit of taking diamonds he has in stock home with him, is robbed and badly wounded. Noel Burrows and his girlfriend Jean Challis are charged with attempted murder.
Adelaide 15/9/63
Melbourne 29/9/63
126. Queen Versus Ling
Anna Ling.......Chin Yu
Crown prosecutor.......Terry Norris
Defence counsel Roscoe .......John Ross
.......Edward Howell
.......Keith Johns
.......Stephen Kenny
.......Glenda Pusey
.......Maureen Winter
.......Shelagh Keating
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: Was Jimmy Reynolds, cabaret manager, pushed down a flight of stairs, or did he slip? This is the question during the murder trial of singer Anna Ling.
Adelaide 22/9/63
Melbourne 6/10/63
127. Queen Versus Drake
Albert Drake.......Clarrie Rule
Robert Drake.......Richard Rule
.......Bruno Weisz
.......Bettina Smeaton
.......Robert McPhee
.......Ian Boyce
Synopsis: Identical twins become involved when a singer is stabbed to death. Before she dies she names her killer - Albert Drake. Confusion arises when the Court learns that Drake has been on a prison farm for some time, and more confusion arises when Drake's identical twin brother, Robert, becomes involved in the case.
Adelaide 29/9/63
Melbourne 13/10/63
128. Queen Versus Willis
.......Douglas Morgan
.......Mark Edward
.......Alison Bauldt
Director.......Bruce Ross-Smith
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: Wealthy society girl Glenda Willis falls in love with a penniless youth who is scorned by her father. After a bitter family argument, her father is charged with attempted murder of the boy.
Sydney 1/9/63
Melbourne 20/10/63
129. Queen Versus Robbins
Det. Sgt. Timms.......Gordon Timmins
.......Bill Bennett
.......Barbara Brandon
.......Allan Murray
.......Pat McLean
.......Marie Benson
.......Vittario Biance
.......Alwyn Owen
.......Myrtle Woods
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: A surprise witness, an official court reporter, adds strength to the prosecution case when Herbert Robbins is charged with the murder of his wealthy wife.
Sydney 8/9/63
Melbourne 27/10/63
130. Queen Versus Bristow
Anthony Bristow.......Tony Standen
.......Marion Johns
.......Kurt Beimel
.......Hurst Burgfried
.......Marianne Rainier
.......Adrianne Keiderich
Director.......John Dixon
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: Margaret Westlock, an attractive young British immigrant, is found dead on a river bank a few days after one of her many boyfriends, Anthony Bristow, had threatened to kill her. Bristow is charged with her murder.
Sydney 15/9/63
Adelaide 20/10/63
Melbourne 24/11/63
131. Queen Versus McAlister
Edward McAlister.......Chris Christensen
.......Nevil Thurgood
.......Peggy Nunn
.......Lindsay Wilson
Synopsis: Orchardist Edward McAlister is charged with the murder of employee Henry Parsons, who McAlister claims was paying undue attention to his wife.
Adelaide 27/10/63
Melbourne 17/11/63
132. Queen Versus Condor
Harry Condor.......John Llewellyn
Mrs. 'A'.......Laurel Young
.......Bryan Niland
.......Janice Weldon
.......Neil Phillipson
Synopsis: The re-appearance of a missing man and a mysterious witness greatly aids the Crown's case against gangster Harry Condor.
Sydney 29/9/63
Adelaide 3/11/63
Melbourne 1/12/63
133. Queen Versus Railton - 2 Feb 1964 (Syd)
Synopsis: Peter Railton has declared in front of several people that
he'll break up the romance between his former girlfriend, Margaret
Lister, and her new love. Then she is found dead, and Railton is charged
with murder.
Julius Armstrong.......Walter Pym
Lawyer Roscoe.......John Ross
.......Manuel Bugeja
.......Fred Ford
.......William Kitchen
.......Aileen Palmer
.......Mal Carmont
.......Barry Greenwood
.......Adele Raye
.......Vernon Lisle
Director.......Bruce Ross-Smith Producer.......Ian Crawford
Adelaide 10/11/63
Melbourne 8/12/63
Sydney 2/2/64
134. Queen Versus Mackay
Joe Mackay.......Al Mack
.......Lorna Forbes
.......John Tydde
.......Lulla Fanning
Synopsis: A theatre's safe is rifled, and a nightwatchman is injured. Police charge theatrical employee Joe Mackay with the crimes, but he strongly protests his innocence.
Melbourne 15/12/63
135. Queen Versus Grainger
.......Gerda Nicolson
.......Dion Boehme
.......Sandra Power
.......Terry Phipps
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: An attractive young girl and a young boy's ambition for gang leadership are the Crown's alleged motives for the murder of Terence Roper. The accused claims two unknown witnesses could clear him if they came forward.
Sydney 20/10/63
Adelaide 24/11/63
Melbourne 26/1/64
136. Queen Versus Driscoll - 2 Feb 1964 (Melb)
Synopsis: A man is accused of murder after a newspaper article about
a wealthy old man's miser lifestyle brings about his death. The man is a young boarder in the house.
Defence counsel Frisby.......John Gregg
Crown prosecutor.......Terry Norris
Mrs. Maudling.......Hilda Scurr
Shirley-Ann Gibson.......Robin McKay
Justice Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Noel Tulley.......Ronald Dix
Ronald Driscoll.......Clive Winmill
Det. Sgt. Ericson.......Eric Millar
Joan Broadhurst.......Jo-Anne Lucas
Const. West.......Des McQueen
Mr. Hillsop.......Les Gates
Geoffrey Learner.......Henry Moon
Court reporter.......Laidley Mort
Script.......Graeme Wicks Director.......Bruce Ross-Smith Producer.......Ian Crawford Assistant Producer.......Sonia Borg
Sydney 27/10/63
Adelaide 1/12/63
Melbourne 2/2/64
137. Queen Versus Hawke - 16 Feb 1964 (Melb)
Synopsis: Seaman Peter Hawke returns from overseas disapproving of
his fiancee's new job in a 'hostess service', and when her employer is
subsequently found bashed to death, Hawke is charged with the murder.
Peter Hawke.......Don McManus
Howard Fenton.......William Hodge
John Drummond.......Ernie Bourne
Crown prosecutor.......Terry Norris
Judge.......Keith Johns
Defence counsel Roscoe.......John Ross
Susan Summer.......Joanne West
.......Peter Williams
.......Anne Charleston
.......Dorothy Moore
Producer.......Ian Crawford
138. Queen Versus Queen
139. Queen Versus Benson - 23 Feb 1964 (Melb)
Synopsis: Jake Benson claims he has gotten away with murder soon
after his release from two years in prison. Flashbacks to his trial tell
his story, with a surprise ending.
Notes: Terry McDermott plays Det. Sgt. Bronson, a role he later played as one of the original cast of Homicide.
Det. Sgt. Bronson.......Terry McDermott
Jake Benson.......Herbert Nelson
Defence counsel Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Crown prosecutor Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
Justice Lewisham.......Lewis Tegart
Mrs. Morgan.......Roberta Hunt
Andrew Yates.......Ray Wheeler
Robert Powell.......Cyril Goode
Richard Thomas.......Robert Earle
Nick Ravallas.......Nick Sofocles
Henry Clarkson.......Brian Hannan
Graeme Corbett.......Francis Dunster
Court reporter.......Laidley Mort
.......David James
140. Queen Versus Clarke 22 March 1964 (Melb)
Synopsis: Young office boy Vernon Clarke is sacked from his job in a
fashion house. A short time later, the building is destroyed by fire,
and Clarke is charged with arson. Mrs. Clarke.......Stella Lamond (in her first TV role)
Vernon Clarke.......Jon Golding
Defence counsel.......Terri Aldred
Crown prosecutor Robert Field.......Robert Peach
Script.......Sonia Borg Director.......Bruce Ross-Smith Producer.......Ian Crawford
Adelaide 26/1/64
Melbourne 22/3/64
141. Queen Versus Bragge - 9 Feb 1964 (Syd), 29 March 1964 (Melb)
Synopsis: Sandra Peterson thought John Bragge to be the most gentle
person she had ever met. But now he is standing trial for attempting to
strangle two young girls.
John Bragge.......Reg Evans
Sandra Peterson.......Shendelle Franklin
Defence counsel.......Peter Aanensen
Justice Dickens.......Keith Johns
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Landlady.......Lorna Taber
Pathologist.......Ken Bower
Judith Harris.......Marlean Enden
Hayes.......John Deane
Mrs. Fawkner.......Ruth Huckstep
Ronald Tollis.......Mark Albiston
Mary Ashton.......Deirde O'Day
Beryl Ferguson.......Moira Treacher
Script.......Edward Wright Director.......Bruce Ross-Smith Producer.......Ian Crawford
Associate Producer.......Sonia Borg Script Editor.......Phil Freedman
142. Queen Versus Fraser ^
Harold Warner.......Tom Farley
Reg Fraser.......Reg Gorman
Elizabeth Fraser.......Joan Letch
Don Fraser.......George Whaley
Crown prosecutor.......Terry Norris
Justice Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Defence counsel Roscoe.......John Ross
Pathologist.......Ken Bower
Kevin Murphy.......Donuil Cowell
Robert Stevens.......Ted Owen
Margo Callinan.......Diane Bell
Rita Grange.......Nancye Hayes
Court reporter.......Laidley Mort
Script.......Phil Freedman
Director.......Bruce Ross-Smith
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Associate Producer.......Sonia Borg
Synopsis: Three people believed to be connected with a diamond robbery go out to fish in a rowboat, but only two return, and Reg Fraser is charged with murder.
Sydney 8/12/63
Brisbane 15/12/63
Adelaide 9/2/64
Melbourne 22/3/64
Perth 17/4/64
Hobart 12/7/64
143. Queen Versus Kubacek
.......Laurence Beck
.......Paul Rutensis
.......Irene Tucker
Synopsis: A university student is a keen student in psychology, but his friendship with two less privileged teenagers suggests that he, himself, is a born troublemaker.
Sydney 15/12/63
Melbourne 11/4/64
144. Queen Versus Milton - 18 Apr 1964 (Syd), 18 Apr 1964 (Melb)
Synopsis: An amateur theatrical group's play ends in tragedy
when a prop gun is replaced by a more deadly weapon. Actor Arthur Bourke
is killed, and another actor is charged with his murder. GS Frank Taylor, John Frawley, Douglas Kelly, Jeanne Battye
145. Queen Versus Langdon - 16 Feb 1964 (Syd), 25 Apr 1964 (Melb)
Synopsis: Peter Langdon faces his second trial on the charge of
having stolen a cheque from his brother, Arthur, and pleads not guilty. GS Tom Oliver, Clifford Neate, Lloyd Cunningham, Judith Roberts, Eric Hayes, Pat Allen
146. Queen Versus Fremont - 2 May 1964 (Melb)
Synopsis: An affair between two married people, Laura Fremont and
Derek Stafford, results in Stafford's death. Laura's husband, Adrian
Fremont (Leonard Teale), is charged with murder. GS Lyn Ashley, John Hill, Bonny Ferguson
Director.......Bruce Ross-Smith
147. Queen Versus Shepherd - 1 March 1964 (Syd), 9 May 1964 (Melb)
Synopsis: To get a partnership in a building firm, August Shepherd
needs money, so he decides to marry a wealthy woman. His ambitions end,
however, when he is charged with robbery with violence.
Judge Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Crown prosecutor.......Terry Norris
Defence counsel Robert Winter.......Wynn Roberts
.......Robert Burnham
.......John Paten
.......Monica Sheargold
.......Su Berman
.......Lorna Forbes
.......Anne O'Farrell
148. Queen Versus Dixon - 8 March 1964 (Syd)
Dixon.......John D'Arcy
Mrs. Dixon.......Felicity Young
Crown prosecutor John Taylor.......George Fairfax
Defence counsel.......Terri Aldred
.......Marjorie Irving
.......David Spurling
.......Keith Johns
.......Eileen Rice
Director.......Bruce Ross-Smith
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: A psychologically disturbed woman believes that the hospital where she gave birth to a still-born son made a terrible mistake. She pleads not guilty to the murder of a baby born at the same time as her son.
Sydney 8/3/64
Melbourne 16/5/64
149. Queen Versus Humphries - 15 March 1964 (Syd)
Synopsis: Helen Humphries, daughter of station owner Frank
Humphries, takes great delight in playing her suitors off against one
another - resulting in the death of one of them, Patrick Hooper.
Humphries is charged with murder.
Helen Humphries.......Lyndall Rowe
Justice Kenneth Carter.......Kenric Hudson
Lawyer .......Peter Aanensen
Lawyer .......Terry Norris
.......Ben Gabriel
.......Reg Gorman
.......Allan Lander
.......Louise Homfrey
.......Bill McGrath
150. Queen Versus Nichols 22 March 1964 (Syd)
Synopsis: Alcoholic Eric Nichols makes life miserable for his
family. When he is stabbed, his wife Beryl is charged with attempted
murder. She pleads not guilty.
Beryl Nichols.......Betty Dyson
.......James Lynch
.......Rhonda Numquam
.......Keith Johns
151. Queen Versus Merrick
.......Martin Magee
.......Moira Farrow
.......Janice Weldon
Synopsis: Nursing sister Suzanne Merrick had been responsible for elderly invalid Mrs. Sylvester, who had promised to leave her Ł500 upon her death. When Mrs. Sylvester is poisoned, Suzanne Merrick is charged with her murder.
Sydney 29/3/64
Melbourne 10/10/65
152. Queen Versus Dvorcak - 5 Apr 1964 (Syd)
Dvorcak.......Vija Vetra
.......Francis Einhorn
.......Joe Hyman
.......Peter Drake
Synopsis: A young migrant, Nicolas Dvorcak, a troublemaker who has served a prison term, is charged with the murder of his uncle, Anton Dvorcak, with whom he often quarrelled.
Sydney 5/4/64
Melbourne 10/10/65
153. Queen Versus Stokes - 12 April 1964 (Syd)
Synopsis: At the first trial of Herbert Stokes, charged with his
wife’s murder, the jury did not agree on a verdict because no motive was
established. For the next trial the prosecutor says he has found a
motive. GS Kenny Polo, Bill Waters, Malcolm Phillips
154. Queen Versus Grayson - 19 Apr 1964 (Syd)
Synopsis: David Philbrick is a very wealthy man with a young wife.
When he is stabbed at a fancy dress party, one of his employees and a
friend of his wife's, Roger Grayson, is charged with murder. GS Julia Blake, Jennifer Claire, Glen Farmer
155. Queen Versus Chadwick - 26 Apr 1964 (Syd)
Lawyer.......Peter Aanensen
.......Ron Shand
.......Carolyn Stein
.......Alisa Tizzard
.......Alan Rowe
.......Michael Boddy
Director.......Bruce Ross-Smith
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: Cabaret owner Peter Stone suspects fraud, and tells his manager, Chadwick, that the profits are rather small. When Stone's 'strong-arm' man is shot, Chadwick is charged with murder.
Sydney 26/4/64
Melbourne 31/10/65
156. Queen Versus Barrett - 3 May 1964 (Syd)
Lillian Barrett.......Ethel Gabriel - from the Doll
.......William Hodge
.......Bruno Weisz
.......Addie Black
Director.......Bruce Ross-Smith
Producer.......Ian Crawford
Synopsis: A charge of attempted murder hangs over the head of Lillian Barrett, after Emily Dingley narrowly escapes death by poisoning. It appears to be a case of the eternal triangle.
Sydney 3/5/64
Melbourne 7/11/65
157. Queen Versus Evans ^
.......Douglas Hall
.......James Mellen
Director.......John Dixon
Synopsis: A young girl is stabbed to death outside a sleazy cafe, shortly after she had left with an acquaintance, John Evans, who is charged with her murder.
Adelaide 24/7/66
Melbourne 3/9/66
158. Queen Versus Morgan - 17 May 1964 (Syd)
Synopsis: Following a shooting in his home, Frank Morgan spent six
months in prison for refusing to disclose the name of his assailant. But
he swore to get even in his own way, and is now accused of the murder
of his partner in a standover racket. GS Tex Clarke, Jon Ewing, Howard Bell
159. Queen Versus Woods - 24 May 1964 (Syd)
Synopsis: A 10-year-old girl is brutally murdered, and Chris Woods, a
young man seen talking to the girl, is charged with her murder. GS Marie Furlong, George Whaley, Jim King
160. Queen Versus Wilson - 31 Mar 1964 (Syd)
.......Ian Turpie
.......Kit Taylor
.......Joan Marrow
Synopsis: Having often expressed the intention of murdering his invalid step-father, Peter Wilson is charged with the crime after the old man is found dead.
Sydney 31/5/64
Melbourne 3/2/68
161. Queen Versus Meaker - 7 June 1964 (Syd)
.......Bob Hornery
.......Rick Andrewartha
Synopsis: Twelve months after the death of his wife, Herbert Meaker is charged with murder. Was Mrs. Meaker poisoned, and if so, by whom? These questions have to be answered at Herbert Meaker's trial.
162. Queen Versus Valli - 14 June 1964 (Syd)
Synopsis: Valli is charged with the shipboard murder of wealthy Geoffrey Stokes, after he had won a considerable amount of money from Valli in a game of cards.
.......Joy Mitchell
.......Walter Sullivan
.......Don Crosby
.......Edwin Ride
Director.......Bruce Ross-Smith
163. Queen Versus Bennett - 21 June 1964 (Syd)
Synopsis: Frederick Bennett, a young machine engineer, believes that his fiancee Christine Evans is seeing another man. When she is found strangled, he is charged with her murder. GS: Msx Phipps, Queenie Ashton, Ian Boyce
Queen Versus Granger - 26 Jan 1964 (Melb)
An attractive young girl and a young boy's ambition for alleged leadership are alleged motives for murder. GS Sandra Power, Dion Boehme
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