Australian Plays Done by JC Williamsons

 * Lady in Danger by Max Afford - March 1944 - filmed by ABC

*Mischief in the Air by Max Afford - July 1944

* Seagulls Over Sorrento by Hugh Hastings - March 1952 start tour

*The Multi Coloured Umbrella by Barbara Vernon - Nov 1957

*Little Fella Bindi - 1958

*The Piccadilly Bushman by Ray Lawler  Sept 1959

*The Sentimental Bloke - Jan 1961

*Who'll Come a Waltzing? May 1963

*The First 400 Years 1964

Variety 8 Jan 1964

John McCallum at the Vincent Committee said offered TCN-9 Williamson Gilber and Sullivan musical

You may be aware that in Canada last year Tyrone Guthrie went over for the Stratford Festival and, among other things, he produced a Gilbert and Sullivan production which was a great success at the dramatic festival, where-upon the Canadian Broadcasting Commission took the pro- duction to Toronto, put it into their studio and it became a verv successful television show, which we have bought in Australia, bv the way. I am referring to that type of collaboration. Whv is there not more of that in Australia?—We offered our production of Gilbert and Sullivan to Channel 9. For one reason or another—not financial as the fee was agreed—it was not televised. We had the facilities to film it but the sponsor was not too keen on this form of pro,gramme so it fell through. We have offered several of our productions to television, but for one reason or another they have not taken them up, which I think is a pity...


L do not think a sufficient attempt is being made. We offered “ The Sentimental Bloke ” and Gilbert and Sullivan. We had the rights to “ The Sentimental Bloke ” and no rights are attaching to Gilbert and Sullivan. We offered those productions to television, but they have not used them.



An example is “ The Deep Blue Sea. My wife wanted to do that on television here. I wrote to Rattigan who said he was in favour, but Twentieth Century Fox bought the rights and want to re-release the film or sell the film to television and so we

cannot put it on television.



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Patrick Barton