"Who'll Come a Waltzing" (1963 play)

A 1963 Australian comedy play by South African born Peggy Caine who had emigrated to Australia three years previously. The premise of the play was about British migrants in Australia.

It was staged by J. C Williamson's in the major cities of Australia, at a time when that company rarely put on Australian plays. It was adapted for radio in Australia, England and New Zealand.

It was first performed for radio in Dec 1962. See here Replayed in June 1963 see here.

The original production featured Campbell Copelin, Marion Johns, Isla Tait (daughter of Frank Tait see piece here),


The Eldred family arrive in Sydney and move to a rambling home in an outer suburb. When they have trouble making ends meet, Mrs Eldred takes in boarders, passing them off as family friends to avoid her husband's disapproval. 


Peggy Caine moved from South Africa to Sydney in 1959. "I think I've put most of what I know about Australia into this play" she said. See here.  She was married with kids.


Play made debut in Feb 1963 directed by Richard Campion at St Martin's Theatre. JC Williamsons produced it with them I think.

Had a sell out season over four weeks. Decided to transfer it to a larger theatre and take on tour.

Ran in larger theatre in May 1963 see here. Williamsons gave it a five week season in Sydney starting in July 1963 see here. SMH review here. This account here says it was a "huge flop" in these large theatres although the play had a successful run in Adelaide.

John McCallum said the play caused them a financial loss. See this Variety piece here.


Paul O’Loughlin decreed it was “not worthy of” the “expense of a TV production.”

Ausstage listings here

Montreal Star 8 Feb 1964

SMH 11 Jul 1963

SMH 19 June 1`963

Age 22 Feb 1963

Museums Victoria

Variety 8 Jan 1964

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Patrick Barton