ABC Report from 1965-66

Link is here. 

Some key quotes

P 4
The Commission supports the endeavours of those who believe that there should be an ever-increasing percentage of television and radio programmes produced in Australia. We are proud to report that in this year we have achieved 51.590 10 of Australian programme material in our total television output. In particular, we draw special attention to the series of Australian plays programmed as Australian Playhouse which, although inevitably of varying merit, have in some cases reached very high standards. They are a worthwhile contribution making possible further experience for Australian writers, actors and producers in this special field. It is hoped that the consider-able enthusiasm and resources being directed to this series will lead to continued improvement in the standard of our Australian TV drama.

P 8

THE output of television drama programmes this year almost doubled in a year of excitement, change and progress.

The first major event was the successful launching of the serial My Brother Jack which proved extremely popular and won for the A.B.C. the Greafell Henry Lawson Festival Award for Australian TV Production.

Following this came several fine, well-produced plays such as The Affair, The Sweet Sad Story of Elmo and Mc, Cross of Gold, Tartuffe, Photo Finish, Plain Jane, Campaign for One and Point of Departure. Another important project was the co-production with the B.B.C. of the Australian play, Kain, to be shown later in the year. We also  produced in conjunction with Artransa Park Studios a children's space fiction serial, The Interpretaris.

The Australian Playhouse series has created further interest through its stimulation of Writers and actors. With increased output of drama, both new and experienced writers, actors and producers are fading a rewarding outlet for their talents. They are discovering the television medium and gearing themselves to its intricacies, disciplines and techniques.

A total of 57 plays was produced and/or shown during the year of which 46 were by Australian writers.

A farther 30 plays have been purchased for future production. Approximately 600 plays have been submitted in response to the call for indigenous writing, and as a result of week-end writing seminars held in Orange and Canberra.

Also a list of plays...

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Patrick Barton