ABC Report from 1964-65

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P 5

One of the most important developments of the past year has been the greater interest which established Australian writers are taking in working for radio and television. This has resulted in better programmes and increased public interest.

Four years ago, the A.B.C. was receiving about 200 scripts a year for consideration as TV plays. This year the figure is nearer 600, and the standard of scripts submitted has greatly improved. Plays like A Time To Speak (by Noel Robinson) and Private Island (by Chris Gardner) are far better than their counterparts of a few years ago, and this is reflected in their reception by the public.

P 7

In television, the rate of production of plays, each lasting an hour or longer, was maintained at one a fortnight—a total of 26, a slight increase over last year's figure. Ten of them were written by Australians.

Two TV plays were produced in Brisbane (Ring Out Wild Bells, by George Landen Dann, and The Quiet Season, by John Cameron) and one in Hobart (Drive A Hard Bargain, by Oriel  Gray).

Particularly interesting TV productions in-cluded Macbeth in Camera, A Local Boy, Luther, Wind From An Icy Country, Othello, The Swag-man and A Time To Speak.

Work has began on making a television serial of My Brother Jack, based on George Johnston's novel which won the Miles Franklin Award. The serial was prepared for TV by the author's wife, Chairman Clift.

P 29 said the ABC made 44 hours of drama - all studio productions - “other hours” was 5 hours… the Total drama was 708 hours

P 39
The following plays were produced with Australian actors during 1964-65:  From Sydney
'The Purple Jacaranda (Serial, last 5 episodes) -- -- -- -- Nancy Graham
The Late Edwina Black William Dinner &  William Macam
The Rape of the Belt ------ Eugene W. Levy
'Split Level -- -- ------ Noel Robinson
Macbeth in Camera ...... Harold Lang
A Local Boy -------- Alec Owen
The Recruiting Officer ,.., George Farquhar
°A Private Island ........ Chris Gardner
The Play of Herod ------ Mediaeval
The Ssvagman -------- Ian Stuart Black
The Big Killing -------- Philip Mackie
Moby Dick—Rehearsed Orson Welles
°Rusty Bugles -------- Sumner Locke. Elliott
*My Brother Jack (Serial, first 3 episodes) -- -- -- -- -- Genrgn Johnston

From Melbourne
Luther -- -- -- -- -- -- John Osborne 

*Wind From the Icy Country - Robert Amos
A Provincial Lady ------ Ivan Targenry
Othello -- -- ------ Wm, Shakespeare
Corruption In the Palace of Justice lJgo Beth
*The Tower -- -- -- -- -- Hal Porter
Romanoff and Juliet------ Peler Ustinov
Everyman ---------- Morality Play 

*A Time to Speak -------- Noel Robinson
Daphne Laureola ------ James Bridle
*Otherwise Engaged ------ John Cameron
Dangerous Corner ------ J. B. Priestley
'How Do You Spelt Matrimony - Colin Free
The Face at the Clubhouse Door Colin Free

From Brisbane
*Ring Out Wild Bells ------ George Landen Dann
°flue Quiet Season ------ John Cameron

From Hobart
Drive a Hard Bargain ------ Oriel Gray

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Patrick Barton