Hey You (1967)

 Bright Wright told Susan Lever:

"Hey You" was a very early comedy. It was written by John Michael Howson who became quite well known as a rather dilettante commentator on film and so forth. John actually was-- John wrote most the Magic Circle Club, a very fine children's program we were doing from Channel 10 which was also directed by Godfrey Phillip, a very talented young director. And Godfrey and he put together "Hey You" and I sort of--what will I say? I fed it a bit, and helped it along, and managed to sell it to the management.

    It was the story of two - what do they call it? Two disparate characters living together: the rough, tough Australian who was reasonably intelligent and well-off, and a little toffee-nosed Englishman who was really a tramp a sort of Charlie Chaplin type character. It always opened with the Australian going, "Hey You!" And the Englishman sort of being very hurt about it. But they got some good comedy out of it. There was a rough serial thread running through it.

    And the scripts weren't brilliant, but they were quite good. John Michael was a very good writer. But that was "Hey You." I would have loved to do more, but I parted on rather bad terms with the management. They were telling me actually to kill all live production so they could make more money out of film, and I refused to do it. I rang my wife and said, "I've just given my resignation." She used some rather rude words, and told me what to say to them. We came back to Sydney.

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Patrick Barton