1970s at ABC

- Dynasty
- Dead Man Running
- 176 ps of Bell bird
- planning other novels
- What for Manriiane 60 mins
- Juggler, Face of. Man, Catalyst, Eden House, Chimes at Mignifht, Ritual
- Australia A to Z variety - won Awgie
- Cry me a river from Delta won Awgie
- Dead Men running won Henry Lawton Festival of Arts Award for the best television series of the year
- 124 Australian hours - 25 action draw, 62 personal drama, 38 humour, sistuaon and farce
- Cinder shows - The Thursday Creek Mob (15 eps), plan for The Comedy Game

- ABC announce that ABC investigated possibilities of co productions in which production costs shared in return for mutual interest in sales and use of end product
- Resistible Rise of Arturo UI and The Man Who Shot the Albatross
- three 50 minute films in colour done jointly with independent filmmakers in Australia: Devlin (with Davies Morphett Productions), The Lady and the Lw (Britain Film Productions), and night of Fear (Terry Rod Productions)
- The Far Country
- The Srivuvor
- Norman Lindsay’s novels - The Cousin from Fihi and Readheap
- Lane End
- Quartert
- Over There
- Bellbird (8000 episodes) - 24 writers - sold to United Kingdom
- A Time for Love
- Comedy series - seven eps of The Comedy Game, plus A Nice Day at the Office (seven eps), Australia A to Z (look at Oz history)
- Our man in Canberra - third episode was deferred pending legal advice about s 116(2) of Broadcasting and Television Act
- Delta sells to TV Malaysia and  New Zealand, Thames Television and Yorkshire TV
- Bellbird sell to This Television, Yorkshire Television and Then Television
- Nature’s of Blue Crane sold to Tyne Tees
- 150 hours : 39 action drama, 92 interpersonal drama, 16 humour, 3 drama documentary

- Bellbird reaches 1000 episodes - current writers Richard Lane, Ray Kolle, Peter Hepworth, Oriel Gray, Roger Dunn, Judith Colquhoun, John Jones
- Seven Little Australians -
- Over There - second season
- Dust or Polish, a Curate in Bohemia, Halfway to Anywhere
- Behind the Legend
- Certain Women
- Serpent and the Rainbow
- Linehaul
- A Tase for Blue Ribbons, Frank and Francesca by Daivid Martin
- Marion
- Theatre productions: The Cherry Orchard, The Taming of the Shrew, How Could You Believed Me When I Said I’d Be Your Valet When You Know I’ve Been a Liar All My Life
- 534 actors employed
- Entertainment Programs (Television) - Comedy Game, Flash Nick from Jindavik, Our Man in the Company
- 117 hours of drama (15 action drama, 82 interpersonal, 7 humour, 13 drama documentary)

- drama increased 30% over its 1972/73 level
- Marion
- Three Men of the City
- Certain Woman
- Production began in Rush
- 90 minute films in production: Essington, Games for Parents and other Children, and You Don’t Clap Losers
- Seven Little Australians sold to BBC, networks in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Portugal Ireland Finland and the US
- Bellbird in eight year
- This Love Affair
- Rush
- Castaway
- Essenginton (80 minute)
- The Fourth Wish - 3 x 50 mins
- also docudrama: Escape from Singapore, Billy and Percy
- Kids: Tase of Blue Ribbons, Frank and Frances, Alpha Scorpio, The Big Men Fly, The Rise nd Fall of Wellington Boots, Lucky Coliyr Blue
- Birds of Parassage
- 26 half hours of comedy inc Aunt Jack show, Our Man in the Company,
- 194 hours of drama! (13 action, 156 interpersonal, 14 humorous, 10 drama docmentary)

- Bellbird - 176 episodes, 11 wrirtss
- They Don’t Clap Losers
- A Pig in a Poke
- Quality of Mercy and Seven Ages of Man
- The Company Men by Ted Roberts
- A Touch of Reverence 3 x 50 minus
- Power without Glory began filming
- Second seasons of Rush -
- Ben Hall scheduled to begin in July - 13 eps , 8 written by Australians
- Comedy: Aunt ack, Flash Jack, Norman Gunston
- Behind the Legend - 11 half our eps
- Rush - 13 x 50 mins
- Essington shown by ABC and BBC
-Certain Women
Fourth Wish
- A Touch of Reverence
- Our of Love
- Single plays - TPig in a Poke, They Don’t Clap Losers, and Games for Parents and Other Children
- 241 hours!!!!

- 190 hours
- Plays: Obsession by William Emo, Arena

     plays included Going Home, The Kiss and Ride Ferry, Report from Gallipoli and Straight Enough, The Trial of Ned Kelly, End of summer, No Room of the Innocent
Drama series Ping In a Poke
Bellbird mores to one 50 mu episode a week then three 24 minute episode a week
- Certain Women ended after 166 episodes
- Kirby’s Company - scheduled
- Catpsaw - 7 x 30 minuts
- Run from the Morning
- Moynihan 10 x 50 mins
- The Emigrants 4 x 75 mins
- Trans Atlantic - No Toom to Run, Barbany and Me, Puzzle and Surf
- 180 hours

- Bell bird ends
- The Truckes Strats as Does Tweet Good Yeears
- Kirby’s Company, Loss of Innocence, The Golden Sok, Margin and the Stars, All the Green Year
- A Plan e in the World - six part series of plays
- The Cake Man, Woman in the House Ripkin, Banada Bender
- The Oracle
- Television down to 96 hours
- Bellbird ended after 1696 episodes, ten years, at least ten writers a year and a regular cast of 15 p

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