Australian radio mini-series

*The Sundowners (1952) from novel by Jon Cleary. Starred Rod Taylor. 

*Come In Spinner by Dympha Cusack

 *The Fortunes of Richard Mahoney (Dec 1956). Dir Paul O'Loughlin

*One Man's Kingdom (1956-57) ABC - by Ruth Park and Darcy Niland 

*Shiny Harvest (1956-57) ABC by EV Timms

*Paradise Place (1957-58) ABC by Barbara Jefferis

*They're a Weird Mob (1958-59) from novel by Nino Culotta.

*Man Mark Two (1958-59) by George F Kerr

*LBW Smith (1958-59) by George F Kerr

*Stormy Petrel (1959) 

*Gallows on the Sand (1959-60) ABC from novel by Morris West

*The Questing Heart (1960-61) ABC 

*Of This Earth (1960-61) ABC Joy Hollyer adapted Gordon Robson novel

*A Town Like Alice (1960-61) ABC adapted Catherine Shepherd

*Mystery of the Hansom Cab (1961-62) ABC Richard Lane

*The Shiralee (1961-62)

*The Franchise Affair (1962-63) ABC from novel by Max Afford

*Wherever Birds Sing (1962-63) ABC by George Kerr

*Stormy Petrel (1962-63)

*Flynn (1963-64) ABC by Rex Rienits about flying doctor 

*The White Blackbird (1963-64) ABC by Barbara Vernon

*Sail Ho (1964-65) ABC

*Faraway Home (1964-65) ABC set in time of Bligh 

*Mystery of Hansom Cab (1965-66) ABC Richard Lane

*Robbery Under Arms (1966-67) ABC Richard Lane

*The Streets of Woolloomoolloo (1966-67) ABC Michael Wright and Max Cowell

'World's Apart' (1967) ABC by GK Saunders

*'At the Call of the Curlew (1967) ABC by Marjorie King

*'Land Hungry' (1967) ABC by Denys Burrows

 *'Muster Up' (1967) ABC by Eugene Landers

*'When Copper was King' (1967) ABC by Max Colwell

*'The Red Caverns' (1967) ABC by Elizabeth Hudson

*The Questing Heart (1967-68) ABC by Barbara Vernon

*A House is Built (1968-69) ABC by Joy Hollyer from novel by Elsdershaw

*The Miners Right (1968-69) ABC by Richard Lane based on novel by Rolf Bolderwood

A Town Like Alice 

NB There were always lots of childrens' serials too.

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Patrick Barton