East Lynne (18 Oct 1964)

 Live drama from Albury - first time from a country town (maybe)

Albury’s television climiiicl AMV-4 will present :I “live” drama production from its
studios in its Four StarShow on Sunday, October IK.
AMV-4 has only beenin operation since September 7 last. The station’sproduction manager, Mr.Dcnzil Howson, is making the television adaption ofEast Lynne.
The cast will be drawn from members’ of Hie Albury Repertory Company, and almost all of (hem will be new to the televisioncameras.
One notable exception will be Channel 4’s presentation announcer Olgainary Whelan who plays Cornelia Carlyle.
This is believed to be the first time that a provincial television stationhas attempted to televise live drama.

Canberra Times 16 Oct 1964

There had been a copyright dispute over stage versions of this story in Australia in 1962.

Denzil Howson talked about it here...

We prevailed upon them to do a performance in our studio, with an audience to provide the appropriate interjection.

“I met her when I was a young girl — when I was abroad!”

“You still are a ‘Broad’, you old bat!!” (interjector Cliff Chamberlain)

… and other such memorable moments.

I remember we had acquired a quantity of old scenery from Channel Nine, and with a few repairs it was usable and pressed into service on a number of occasions.

We also experimented with some “forced perspective” scenery to make our conservatively proportioned studio (40ft by 50ft) look bigger than it really was.

Some of the original staff at AMV4 moved on from there to bigger and better jobs in the industry.

Ross Sellars eventually landed a top executive position with the Channel Nine network in Sydney.

Vic Anastasi set up an efficient and productive audio-visual unit, firstly with Australasian Training Aids in Albury, and then obtained the position of Executive Producer for the Visual Training Unit at the Army Apprentice Training School at Bonegilla on the shores of Lake Hume.

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Patrick Barton