Naked Possum (1956) stage play by Babara Vernon

 The first play by Vernon produced in Sydney. Interesting because it was about the Malayan Emergency. Is it the only Australian drama about us during that conflict.

Plot - at a ruined temple in the Malayan jungle, an Australian patrol is hunting terrorists. The patrol includes a captain (Owen Weingott), lieutenant (Derek Stanley) and sergeant (Jerrold Wells). They encounter the widow of a recently murdered planter. She seduces the lieutenant.

The Ausstage listing is here.

The Bulletin called it "is a sort of “whodunit” set in the Malay jungle during the terrorist risings. It has a remarkably attractive set (by Noel Rubie) and a most impressive performance by Owen Weingott, while the plot has sufficient intricacy and suspense to keep one guessing. "

The SMH called it "a ripe old melodrama.. derived from stale situations and melodramatic cliches" although the critic liked Owen Weingott's performance and the "original touches" in the third act.

ABC Weekly said it "wasn't very successful".

SMH 8 Sept 1956

SMH 13 Sept 1956

SMH 14 Sept 1956

State Library




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Patrick Barton