Ballets broadcast by ABC

** G'day Digger!** (11 Feb 1958) - m John Antill d Peter Page -first complete Australian ballet broadcast by ABC

*Voyager 1958)

** The Soldier's Tale (4 March 1959) - d William Sterling st. Robert Helpmann, Edward Brayshaw

** Giselle (8 April 1959) - d Chris Muir - ad here

 * Ballet Studio (1959) - d Chris Muir
** The Nutcracker (6 April 1960) - d Chris Muir - filmed Melbourne
* Coppelia (1960) - d Chris Muir
* Sylvia (8 March 1961) - d Chris Muir
* Caranval (1961) - d Chris Muir

*Snowy (1961)

*The Tell Tale Heart (1961) - d Alan Burke 

*Wakooka (1962) music John Antill

*Four O'Clock in the Afternoon (1962)

*Brolga (1962)

*The Beach Inspector and the Mermaid (1962)

*The Forbidden Rite** (17 July 1962) - d William Sterling m Robert Hughes - first ballet written for Australian TV

**The Sentimental Bloke (14 April 1963)

*Woodara (1963)

*Euroka (1963)

*Roundelay *(1964)

*L'amour Enchantee (1962) (The Lake)

*Suite Classical et Diabolique (1963)

* The Spider’s Banquet (3 July 1963) - d Chris Muir - ad is here
* One in Five (1963) - d Chris Muir - article here
** Robert Pomie Ballet (Oct 1963) - d Chris Muir - series of different ballets inc The New Horizon, The Fir Tree

* Hans Christian Anderson (25 Dec 1963) - d Chris Muir

*Once Upon a Whim (29 July 1964) - d Brian Faull - ad is here

* The Bloodless Sand (18 Oct 1964) - d Chris Muir

*The Mermaid (25 Dec 1964) - d Brian Faull 

*The Display (1964)

*Dreaming Time Legends ** (4 Feb 1965) d Peter Page m John Anthill cheoreography Beth Dean
*The Illusionist (1965) - d Brian Faull - article here
* Seven Deadly Sins (1965) - d Chris Muir


Brolga: A Dance of Time 

*Ilyria (1966)

*The night is a Sorceress (1 July 1966) - d: Brian Faull - review here

*The Diplay (7 Dec 1966) - d Brian Faull w: Robert Helpmann - article here

*Die Fladermaus (April 1967) - d Brian Faull
* She** (29 Dec 1967) - d Chris Muir - set in an Antarctic base

Article on them here

ABC Ballets 1956-66 65 ballets, 50 overseas, 15 local

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Patrick Barton