Arcon Studio

 Before Gore Hill.

Alan Burke talked to Graham Shirley in 2004 and mentioned it

The Arcon Studio was a semi circular army type hut. By semi circular I mean half a cylinder. It was circular across the top and a flat floor...  Very like a Nissan hut but this was an Arcon for some reason and in that we housed the studio and two cameras. I’m not sure there weren’t some offices within it as well. Maybe there was another one down the street that housed wardrobe and the directors, I can’t imagine. ..
It was, well where the workshop is, facing the building from the street to the left is the workshop compound, this big studio compound is sort of there and to its right was this thing. I fancy we were on the actual territory that became the production facilities area, the workshops, or it might have been just further to the right of those. I know at that stage there was something other than that studio hut that housed makeup and wardrobe and things.
GS Because there were production facilities and there was also the staging store out the back which was quite a substantial area.
AB It was indeed. I think that might have come later I’m not sure but the Arcon for the brief encounter I had with it and I wasn’t familiar with the Gore Hill set up at all of course, was just to the right from the street of the main building.
GS And was it insulated?
AB I haven’t the faintest idea. I presume so. Some sort of sound installation yeah. It was very primitive but I was so unused, I hadn’t at that stage ever directed television except for the Training Course at the BBC so it could have been painted bright green and sunk into the ground for all I knew. I just wasn’t aware of technicalities. I remember hearing the word over scan and during some break saying to the T.P. ‘what does over scan mean’. I was very much at the learning stage and very relieved when it was all over. There were only twocameras so it wasn’t desperately hard. You only had the choice to go to one or the other.

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Patrick Barton