ABC Report backhand compliments on Australian writing

“The ABC hopes that many local authors will become interested in writing for television” (ABC Report, 1956-57:23)
“Seven of the (24) plays were were locally written.” (ABC Report, 1957-58:16)
“It is hoped that it will be possible to develop among [local] writers a knowledge of television techniques and an idea of what is practicable in the medium, a familiarity with the arrangement of television scripts, and an understanding of the devices and methods of effective television presentation.” (ABC Report, 1958-59: 9) (a year one Australian script was filmed)
“Of our output of 22 live plays for the year, 12 were by Australian authors.” (ABC Report, 1959-60:12)
“During the last 12 months we have produced 21 live television dramas of an hour or longer, including ten plays by Australian authors.” (ABC Report, 1960-61: 6)
“Since the beginning of its TV service, the A.B.C. has been anxious to encourage Australian authors to write For the new medium and this, year was able to present a consecutive season of six local plays, representing about a quarter of the total TV drama output. These plays, each of approximately one hour, were an encouraging result of the work that has been done to interest local writers in TV.” (ABC Report, 1961-62:10)
“Public reaction to television productions of Australian plays was investigated in a research project which sought comments on several Australian plays produced during the past two years. Results showed that 60 per cent of the people contacted could see definite improvement in Australian plays, this being evidence of greater experience its the techniques of writing for television.” (ABC Report, 1962-63: 11)
“At this point it is apposite to mention that of approximately 212 plays produced live in Australia for television since 1956, some 185-including 48 by Australian authors-emanated from the Commission's studios, whilst of the 31 live studio operas produced, all were A.B.C. productions; of about 95 ballets, not less than 90 were produced by the A.B.C. The A.B.C. has also produced, or is producing, important serials comprising 51 half-hour episodes, all of which were written by Australian authors and feature Australian casts. In addition, some hundreds of short plays and serials for children have been presented live in the A.B.C. Children's Hour.” (ABC Report, 1963-64: 5)
 “Authors of TV plays included a number of Australians, as well as such overseas writers as Aldous Huxley, Robert Bolt, Jean Anoailh and Luigi Pirandello.” (ABC Report, 1963-64: 13
“Four years ago, the A.B.C. was receiving about 200 scripts a year for consideration as TV plays. This year the figure is nearer 600, and the standard of scripts submitted has greatly improved. Plays like A Time To Speak (by Noel Robinson) and Private Island (by Chris Gard-ner) are far better than their counterparts of a few years ago, and this is reflected in their reception by the public. ) (ABC Report, 1964-65:7)
“With increased output of drama, both  new and experienced writers, actors and producers are fading a rewarding outlet for their talents. They are discovering the television medium and gearing themselves to its intricacies, disciplines and techniques. A total of 57 plays was produced and/or shown during the year of which 46 were by
Australian writers.” (ABC Report, 1965-66: 8)
“It is generally acknowledged that the Commission's contribution in the field of music is important and appreciated. It is not as commonly recognised that a considerable contribution has also been made in the field of drama. Since the commencement of television we have produced 393 television plays including atotal of 90 serial episodes, which in all represent 4,920 performances by Australian  actors and actresses. Of this total, 218 of the plays were written by Australian authors. The direct cost of this activity has reached almost a million dollars.” (ABC Report, 1966-67: 7-8)
“The Director of  Drama (Television) and television drama story editors have participated in several general writing seminars during the year.” (ABC Report, 1967-68: 13)
“Australian authors wrote each of the 221 plays and series episodes produced by A. B.C. TV this year. “ (ABC Report, 1968-69: 14)

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Patrick Barton