GMH#3 - Thunder on Sycamore Street (23July 1960)

 Based on a play by Reginald Rose. The second of his plays done for Australian television, after Tragedy in a Temporary Town.


The residents of Sycamore Street are upset when they discover a new neighbour has served a prison sentence. 


  • Frank Waters as Joseph Blake
  • Joe McCormick
  • Muriel Steinbeck
  • John Brunskill
  • Richard Davies as the man of conscience
  • James Fallows
  • Brett Hart
  • Benita Harvey
  • Mary Hoskin
  • Therese Macrae
  • Verity Marina
  • Terry McDermott
  • Ida Newton
  • Moya O'Sullivan
  • Max Osbiston
  • Ivor Bromley

Original production

It was written for American TV. Studio One in 1954 - Franklin Schaffner directed.

A copy of the play can be borrowed here.

Other versions

The play had been performed on Australian radio in 1959.

It was filmed by ITV Playhouse in 1957 with Earl Cameron as Joseph Blake. 

The BBC filmed it in 1963.


The drama was produced in ATN 7 Studio "A" at its Television Centre, Epping. This studio is the largest production studio for TV in Australia. 

The major set, representing the exteriors of three homes, covered 2,000 square feet. It was the largest single set ever installed at the ATN studios, and ATN production executives said it was the biggest single set ever made for Australian "live" TV. A further 600 feet was allowed for the roadway and for camera movement. As all three houses in which the action of the play was set were identical, a second basic set was used. This covered about 500 additional feet of studio space.


The TV critic for the Sydney Morning Herald said the production "gave audiences something to think about" and was "careful enough, although evidences of pinch-pennyism were apparent... Frank Waters... stood head and shoulders over a comparatively indifferent cast."

The Age 21 July 1960


The Age 21 July 1960

SMH 3 July1960

SMH 18 July 1960

SMH 18 July 1960

SMH 25 July 1960

TV Week 21 July 1960

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Patrick Barton