Key Theatre Companies

 ABC Drama seemed influenced by several theatre companies. Namely if that company put on a play, they would be more amenable to filming it.

There was the Elizabethan Theatre Trust. Alan Burke came from there, as did Neil Hutchison (he ran it from 1960-63).

Several of the Trust's shows were adapted:

* Ned Kelly

* The Slaughter of St Teresa's Day

* Lola Montez

* Rape of the Belt

* The Rivals

* Twelfth Night, Hamlet, Othello

* Waters of the Moon

* Salad Days

* The One Day of the Year

Some Australian plays not filmed: The Bastard Country, Curly on the Rack, Summer of the Seventeenth Doll, The Tintookies 

1966 Bulletin article on the trust here.

 Q Theatre also seemed to have influence, with productions of The Sponge Room.

JC Williamsons inevitably had some influence. But not much. Lady in Danger for instance.

Little Theatres were also influential.

Emerald Theatre opened March 1962 a company aimed at doing more of Australian work. See here.

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Patrick Barton