Senator Cooper in 30 October 1957 talking about Australian content:

 Senator Cooper in October 1957 talking about Australian content:

Senator COOPER

Senator Ashley inquired about the Australian content of television programmes, and in this connexion I shall quote a statement that was issued recently by the Postmaster-General (Mr. Davidson), in the course of which he said -

Over the past twelve months -the Australian Broadcasting Commission produced 26 live television» «plays of half an hour or one hour .duration, in which a total of 150 professional actors or actresses were engaged.

Senator Ashley - Does that include trotting, rock and roll, and so on?

Senator COOPER - I am reading the Postmaster-General's statement. It goes on -

Three of these plays were specially written for television by resident authors. -In the field of light entertainment there -were 883 engagements of Australian artists by the A.B.C. -in -its television programmes. In the Children's' Session- the A.B'.C. used 149- live programmes catering especially for children, and in this regard 824 engagements were made. Australian content of A.B.C. television programmes from Sydney over nearly 12 months has been 48 percent, arid from Melbourne 39 'per cent. lt must be remembered that television, is an entirely new venture, and- that the Australian Broadcasting Commission arid the holders of commercial licences are the pioneers of this new medium, with all its attendant problems. Nevertheless, in spite of all their difficulties, the commercial stations were able to provide, in the month of August- last, programmes- which had 56 per cent. Australian content. It is- not of much, use to compare Australian television with television in' the- United. Kingdom and the- United States of America. Our service h'as, been' going-, for' twelve, months only, theirs for many years.

So…. The 26 plays… (asterix for local writers)

Twelve Pound Look (Sydney)
Rose and Crown

The Valiant
Sub Editors Room *
Roundabout (Melbourne)
Elizabeth Refuses
Roundabout (Sydney)
The Proposal
Three Cornered Moon
In the Zone
The Twelve Pound Look (Melbourne)
Tomorrow’s Child
The Wraith
Holiday in Biarritz
Sunday Costs Five Pesos
Shadow of a Doubt
Ending It
Dark Brown
A Fourth for Bridge
Fair Passenger
A Phoenix Too Frequent
The Right Person
Killer in Close Up#1 - Robert Wood*
The Passionate Pianist *
The Duke in Darkness

there was also The Sound of Thunder done in October

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