In March 1958 a Queensland Senator asked how much the ABC Weekly cst.;page=0;query=%22report%20of%20the%20australian%20broadcasting%20commission%22%20Decade%3A%221950s%22;rec=6;resCount=Default
Senator COOPER
- On 27th February, Senator Sandford asked me the following question: -
Can the Minister representing the PostmasterGeneral inform the Senate -
(1) The cost of publishing the booklet "A.B.C. Weekly"?
(2) What useful purpose does that booklet serve?
(3) Is it a fact that only Sydney programmes are published in that journal?
The Postmaster-General has. now furnished me with the following information in reply:-
1. The net cost for the financial year 1956-57 was £13,761, as disclosed in the annual report» «of» «the» «Australian» «Broadcasting» «Commission which was tabled in the Senate recently.
2. The journal is a means of publicizing the national programmes, full details of which are not available in the daily press. The journal also contains reprints of outstanding A.B.C. talks, feature articles and special comments on A.B.C. programmes. Details are also printed of commercial radio and television programmes.
3. No. A special Queensland edition contains full details of Brisbane metropolitan and regional and short-wave programmes.
Senator Sandford
- There is no publication in the other States?
Senator COOPER
- No.
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